why people feel unhappy

Every person in the world want to be happy.but it's not possible. because he always think he is special from other but he found him wrong.He found many people is very special from him.Then he becomes unhappy


Peace deffination varied from person to person.someone want be happy with doller,someone want to be happy with power,and many other thing.But there is no limit of doller, no limit of power.so they earn more and more but no happy because he don't found the last stage of earn.they earn untill their death.

Allah doesn't give all the thing which we want.We does't relize it.We want to something which have not for me.We think I have no value because we always measure us with the upper class of the society and fell depressed. If we measure us with the lower class of the socity then we found we have many thing.

If we test of happy felling we should help the lower class people of spcity with foods,clotchs, shelter and many other thing.it's contain one kind of happiness which can't descrive.

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