Steemian Onboarding Just Got a Whole Lot Easier

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Although this news may not be the newest, it certainly is very valuable. Today, I discovered "Steem Ninja". An initiative setup by the resourceful lads at @oracle-d. One of the biggest hurdles our blockchain is facing is the process of signing up made "easier". It's all well and good to be able to buy crypto and use that to "pay" for an account. Or even the old-fashioned way of waiting for your personal details to be verified by whoever signs you up (if that system is even still operational now).

But with "Steem Ninja", a user can actually employ regular means of paying for an account, via a credit or debit card. That's friggin' fantastic! Whilst we want everyone to eventually use methods of crypto transaction to purchase goods and services over time, there is a "transitional" phase which we're still very much in. I reckon it's a great idea to let people pay by means they are familiar with (or at least have the option too) and discover the rest of what crypto and blockchains are all about, in their own good time.

As I've mentioned a few times in the past, we're all at the very beginning of a revolutionary new digital system of transacting and global finance. But for everything to play out, it will take a whole heap of time, patience and understanding. That means working "together" with people who want to get involved in crypto, not treat them like outsiders trying to get in to our world. Therefore, I love this idea put in place by @oracle-d and want more people to be aware of it and the power it welds.

We all simply take it one step at a time and the sky will literally be the limit. Onwards and Upwards. Check out and recommend "steem-ninja" to your peers now, my peepz! :)


Hope you enjoyed this post, please look out for more on the way... (author: @ezzy)

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