While youtube is getting worse, Dtube is getting better.

My friend Ben ( @bennierex) pointed me to a news article today (here). It's about youtube and the loss of income for content providers in the Netherlands. The article is in Dutch.


Many YouTubers in the Netherlands are suffering more often from Youtube's policy to not show commercials with video's that Youtube considers "commercially unfriendly".

Users that create content for Youtube get their money from these commercials. So they are pretty vital for their income.

According to the article, Youtube uses a self-learning algorithm to decide which videos get blocked from showing commercials.

The problem is the algorithm doesn't always work. So video's that should pass don't pass. Leaving perfectly legit videos with no payment for the creator.

But of course, the worst part is content providers that have a large following but have a certain 'style' (swearing, nudity for instance) now are deprived of their income unless they change their ways.

The power to take away commercials on certain videos can also lead to censorship. Depriving someone of an income can do that.

From a Youtube perspective, this policy is understandable though. They are a company, they need to make a profit. If advertisers leave because Youtube shows commercials on the wrong videos. It's bad for business. Simple.

Here comes Dtube

Since I started making my vlogs I have uploaded a lot of Video's to Youtube and it works great. This is hard to deny.

Ever since Dtube was launched I tried to use it as much as I could. So, every time I make a vlog I try Dtube first.

I had days where it worked fine. I had days where it didn't work. On the malfunctioning days, I tried to give, as best as I could, feedback to the creators. They even put me in a subsection called Dtube Evangelists (lol! it makes me smile every time).

On Dtube you won't find any censorship regarding your own content. And I think it's a huge opportunity for anyone that feels himself out of place with Youtube's new policy.

But Dtube is still raw. It's not better than youtube yet. But it's slowly improving.

Only recently they added new changes to the upload (no more errors, so far) and they added a progress bar while uploading. Wich has been a blessing for me.


new progress bar

I believe more users are one way to make the Steem blockchain better and stronger.

I will use Dtube instead of Youtube as much as I can to showcase that it works and if Youtube keeps screwing it's userbase hopefully at some point some of them will come here.

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