Today I learned I still can get nervous - Giving my first interview on camera.

I was interviewed by the wonderful Terry Brock today.

I have never been interviewed on camera before in my life.

It was an interesting experience.

He will release it later today or tomorrow.

It reminded me of a story when I was young.


When I was in primary school (age 10) I had to give a presentation in front of the class.

I didn't want to do it, but I was told that presenting was an ultimate skill you needed to master to succeed in life.

I hated the idea from the start, I also no clue what to give a presentation about.

All I wanted was to play my Nintendo 8 bit and have fun.

Luckily my mom came to the rescue.

Being a history teacher (at the time) she had plenty of good ideas.

I was going to give a presentation about a historical figure!

Great! I liked the idea. It was better than anything else I could come up with.

But of all the amazing historical figures she could have picked she choose.....Hitler.

We put a presentation together and I practiced it. Over and over.

Judgment Day

I wasn't the only person to give a presentation that day.

My friend Ben also had to give one and a bunch of other kids.

When I asked Ben what his presentation was about he said: "My Bird...."

When I asked around more I quickly realized that I kinda overshot the mark.

While everyone was talking about their pets, I was stuck with one of the worst dictators of all time.

How I wish I had chosen my dog too!

O, I was so nervous waiting while everyone got called one by one to give their presentation.

When it was finally my turn. I got up and walked to the front of the class.

When I got there. I froze.

Not a single word would come out.

I felt miserable.

I hated the spotlight.


That feeling came back today in the first 2 minutes of the interview.

We were talking before the record button was pressed and I was fine!

The moment he did the countdown...I got that nervous feeling.

I almost froze....this time words did come out but not very smooth.

Luckily Terry is Pro and he swooped in and got me back on track.

Something I could have needed way back then!

Not long after I was fine and talking like in my vlogs.

It ended up being a lot of fun! (like he promised before).

Steemit is forcing me to keep pushing myself to try new things.

It is truly a wonderful journey and I'm very grateful for it.

The interview will be released on Terry's blog as soon as he finishes editing it.

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