My favorite non-STEEM steemfest story this year.

Bianca and I just walked in the door after traveling home from Lisbon.

I think the heating broke because it's 5 degrees inside the house. Just like outside.

It's too late to fix it. I have to check it tomorrow.

Bianca went straight upstairs and I just checked and found her under 2 blankets snug and warm.

I'm more of an old school guy so I went downstairs and poured myself a nice whiskey to warm up :)

I need to unwind anyway. I can never sleep straight away after travels.

I also wanted to tell this story.


My dad rang me up about 7 hours ago to ask me how I was doing and if I was home yet.

I was not, I was still in Lisbon having a nice beer with @rea, @ezzy and Bianca.

I will miss that sun and even more my friends.

It also never seems to amaze me how easy it is to travel long distances in such short amount of time.

1809km in a matter of hours.


My favorite non-STEEM steemfest story this year.

The square I'm having my beer at is the beginning of the story.

We (Rea, Ezzy, Bianca and I) were there yesterday.

Rea is an active blogger and always lagging behind a bit making photos for her blog.

So, we reach the waterside at the end of the square and Rea crosses the road to take some pictures.

We are waiting when all of the sudden we see her in a panic running back towards us.

She almost flies into Ezzy's arms and says:

"A man was waving his hand near his crotch softly saying, you want some, you want some."

We are all in shock! What a Dirty bastard!

Obviously, Ezzy and I go into full-on protection mode trying to look for this pervert. (from a distance).

We can't find him so we start to walk away when all of the sudden Rea spots him!

"He's following us!" , she says.

We see him and the perv is laughing at us from a distance and then starts to wave.

He then proceeds to make his way towards our group.

This is getting dangerous fast.

Ezzy and I quickly prepare to go full-on Billy and Jimmy Lee mode. Ready for battle.

The perv approaches me first and starts to wave his hand in the same manner.

"You want some", he says.

He seems harmless up close.

I therefore quickly look down and see a huge package of Marijuana in his hand.

I tell Ezzy what I saw and we nearly collapse on the floor laughing.

The dealer looks puzzled.

We explain to the dealer what happened and he apologizes.

"He would never do that!"

He then quickly asks again if we want some Marijuana or Cocaine.

We decline.

I do wish him good luck on his sales and off we went.

We laughed about it all the way to the hotel.

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