Memories of good old gaming. How my love for Point & Click adventures games was born.

I don't have much time for games anymore but playing Streetfighter with Ezzy has renewed my interest for them a little bit.

It has triggered me to want to replay my all-time favorite games series. The Tex Murphy adventures. I already finished Under a Killing Moon and am now playing the Pandora Directive.

Bianca is already calling me addicted. Which I think is a bit over the top. She has no idea how much I used to play games when I was younger.

My favorite genre when I was younger and today are point and click adventure games.


I still have the original box of this Sherlock Holmes game from 1996-1997, I was 12)

The first adventure game I ever played was called Déjà Vu. I played it on the Macintosh when I was around 4-5 years old. I couldn't read English (or read at all, I'm not sure) at the time but it didn't matter. Clicking and just trying to figure out what to do I played that game endlessly.

I loved it. Although I don't remember ever finishing it.

Between Déjà Vu and my next game is about 7 years and an NES and a Sega Mega Drive. Which I both played every day after school and on the weekends.

I'm now 12 and we have our first PC at home.

I think it was a Compaq 133mhz. Made from that Beige white color that slowly turns yellow over time. I remember it had speakers on the side of the monitor, like big ears.


It was running Windows 95. But to get some games to work you had to boot from a floppy to get to DOS.

In DOS I had to set the Soundblaster and load the mouse drivers manually. I forgot the commands. But it was perfectly acceptable at that time.

The first real point and click adventure game that I played and remember on that PC was called Beneath a Steel Sky.

I played a demo from a disk I got with a magazine and loved it. (I pretty sure @eqko was there too, although I don't remember 100% sure)

I wanted to play the full game but back then it wasn't like today. You had to go out of your house to find the game. Going to shops and look for it.

But I was young and could only go to our local mall and it wasn't there.

I forgot about the game until my mom and I were in Rotterdam one day, many months later. She had to go to V&D. V&D was a famous department store (that no longer exist).

I had never been there before but quickly found out they had a game section, full of PC games. It was heaven.

Going through all the boxes I found Beneath a Steel Sky!

I still got the original box I found that day.


At some point, I was stuck in the game. This happens with adventure games. It's part of their charm. Trying to find out what to do next.

I just could not figure it out and this was at the time you couldn't go online and just look up the solution. (this and only having 3 lives is a struggle kids today will never know. It was so much fun and awful at the same time.)

I decided to just try everything on everything. Going from screen to screen using every item in my inventory on every clickable item in the game.


I found the solution 2 weeks later. I had to use a card and combine it with a lock, to fiddle it open. To this day I remember the character saying:

"It's an old trick but it still works."

I finished the game with @eqko not much later.

Finding that solution was the best feeling the world!

My love for point and click adventure games was born.

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