Fitness, Computers, Afghan Food and a fantastic day at the lake.

A friend of mine has a fitness shop. It's the same guy I talked crypto with not long ago.

He told me that those machines that measure your body (fat, muscle) are notoriously unreliable and I should only look in the mirror (or at photos) to see if I'm getting the results that I want.

Music to my ears if I'm honest.


I have therefore decided to no longer rely on the machine and just go with what feels right.

In a way, it feels good because I see it as another computer I don't have to rely on.

After running my own IT business for almost 10 years I'm tired of those devices at times.

Especially when they act up in your own home....

Here I am watching the show before the F1 race on a paid stream. Microsoft must have thought that must be an excellent time to force an update on me that I can't cancel.

I didn't want this. I didn't ask for this. I also don't want to find out why it wants this. I want it to work for me.

Luckily the update was small and I was back up and running in 5 minutes.

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Playing Streetfighter V trying the beat my friend @ezzy has been a fantastic experience so far. Even though I get my ass kicked I get better every time and that feels great.

But I might have played a bit too much with him so I decided to take Bianca out to a film and dinner. She loved the idea. She found a restaurant near the cinema. An Afghan restaurant. Not my first choice but then again I'll try anything once.

It was great.


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The food was delicious and we were both full (very important for me at least). After dinner, we decided to skip the movie and go home.

Bianca was tired and wanted to relax by herself upstairs.

I called @ezzy, asked if he was up for another game of Streetfighter. I didn't feel bad about it. I tried my best :)

O and the reason why she was tired was because this guy came to visit the day before.

When my friends now say that kids take a lot of energy out of you I'll believe 'em in a heartbeat.

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It's the last days of summer and the weather is great. We have been working out hard but twice this week we been to the lake to relax in the afternoon (16:00). We took Trevor with us today.

Just a blanket, some food, and a book.

Well a book for her.

I forgot mine so went to the store to buy a magazine. Couldn't find anything I liked so I zoomed in on the one thing I haven't read in years but always made me happy in the past.

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I'm not ashamed.

I think Donald Duck is awesome.

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