Backup! Backup! Backup! Do you have your documents, photos and Steem passwords stored only on your computer?

Although I concentrate more on businesses nowadays I have helped hundreds of consumers in the past with computer related problems or advice.

The amount of time I encountered people thinking they had a backup when in fact they had not is uncountable.

Plenty of times it was too late and I had to tell people that there family photo's and documents were all gone because of a crash.

And it could have been so easily avoided.


Why you lose your data, the simple version:

In your computer, there is a little piece of hardware. It's called the hard drive and it looks like this (or like the thing I'm holding in my hand):


On this little piece of hardware is all the data that is stored on your computer. Everything!

When this thing breaks and it happens pretty often, all the data becomes inaccessible.

There are companies that can restore the data for you (if you're lucky, there is no guarantee) but they are not cheap. Think hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

Much better to prevent all that and make a backup of your important files. (Example: copying to another hard drive or store your data in the cloud).

If you don't know how to make a good backup I would suggest hiring someone you trust to explain it to you.

Trust me, It's worth the money.

(I know this because after a crash an owner of a crashed laptop would have given me $500, right then and there, easy, just to have everything back the way it was. Losing all your data is a very painful experience.)

Rule of thumb: If you don't know where and how your data is stored you don't have a backup.

Backup your owner key on STEEM.

We are on STEEM after all and the owner key or master password is the most important password on here. If you lose it or forget it you won't be able to change your account anymore. And, you won't be able to ask for a new password like on other websites.

Please remember that.

Even if your account holds little Steem right now. It might be worth a lot more someday. Make sure you have the password stored somewhere safe.

I don't know where anyone else stores their master password. Maybe it's in the email you got when you registered. Maybe it's in your password manager. It's not my job to know, it's yours.


If your hard drive would fail today, would you still be able to find your master password? Give it a small think.

If the answer is no.

Make a backup today.

I know I might sound a bit doom and gloom today. I am not really. It's just something that worries me. Especially for new users. Steemit is a website that runs on the Steem blockchain.

The steem blockchain is decentralized, which means you are responsible for your passwords and no one else.

If you have any questions let me know.

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