Questions To Ask Any Employer

I've got an interview today for a new position I was scouted out for. I'm interviewing for a spot as Software Automation and Security Engineer Lead for a leading medical device company. The recruiter who scouted me out sent me this list of questions to have handy for during and after the interview. I think they are great questions. I have done many interviews in my life, and I think these are always great questions to ask. They should make your interviewer think and hopefully show that you're interested. If anyone has any other great questions, please share them below, but I'm hoping this can help all of you!

Manager Questions (if you feel it appropriate):
 How would you describe your management style? What do you view as your strengths
and weaknesses?
 How do you handle differences in direction with your staff? Can you give me some
specific examples?
 What are your expectations regarding communication (and the mechanism) with staff
on project progress and issues?
 What are your expectations for project reporting and what tools do you employ to
monitor project progress? Who is responsible for updating project progress/tasks?
 What specific level of involvement do/will you have with my work?
 What is the opportunity for growth/career progression?
 Does COMPANY sponsor professional development/continuing education?
 How often are performance reviews given?

Manager or Peer Questions:
 Please give me your opinion of the group’s chemistry and working relationship. What
are the group’s biggest challenges?
 How would you describe a typical day in this position?
 What type of customer interface will this position have?
 What do you feel will be my greatest challenge(s) the first 6 months I’m on board?
 Where can I help you the most day one – where is your pain?

Personal Questions:
 What is your background and experience prior to COMPANY?
 What do you like best about COMPANY?
 What do you like least about COMPANY?
 What has been your biggest challenge here at COMPANY?
 What one thing would you change about your position or the company?

Company Specific Questions:
 Where is COMPANY strategically positioned in their market-space?
 What are the barriers to entry (if any) to COMPANY market-space?
 What type of investment has COMPANY committed to future/new product
 What new product lines/specific system solutions are planned or have been announced

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