"The difference between a democracy and a dictatorship is that in a democracy you vote first and take orders later; in a dictatorship you don't have to waste your time voting." - Charles Bukowski

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We are all capable of inadvertently inflicting suffering on others, mainly through carelessness or ignorance. Our freedom depends on the level of integrity we use to describe our reality. Freedom of speech and language play a large role and can be tricky to most people.

If one lives a life of ignorance, he is born in an unconscious home with ignorant parents in an ignorant society, eventually will die in ignorance surprised at how things happen.
Ignorance becomes the norm. Indoctrination can be called education, hypnotic hallucination can be called entertainment, bandits can be called leaders, lies can be called truth and yourself, and your mind will never be your own.

Among us, usually mentally healthy people, there are a few who are not so healthy. Psychopaths are physically incapable of feeling emotions or they are feeling something on a very low level. Sociopaths are similar, but some may feel their feelings differently to most of us, but usually they prefer to ignore their feelings altogether. People who deliberately manipulate, control and punish us healthy people for many different reasons do exist, but fortunately they are a microscopic minority.
While for most of us this is unimaginable, sociopathic behavior is caused by a mistaken perception of feelings of empathy or love as a weakness. A healthy, emotional, loving person full of empathy, according to them belongs to the group of a weak fools, which should be used because they allow it.

Sociopaths learn emotions and can be immoral as soon as they consider it appropriate and beneficial for their survival. They learn what others want to hear from them to raise their social status. According to them, there is nothing immoral about pretending to be good if everyone is happy when they get to know a good person. After all, they give us what we want, and we make it up to them for their "goodness", this manipulation seems to be the best solution.

How to recognize what is the egoist's falsehood and what is the real good? Asking yourself a few simple questions and as always, the honesty of the answer will determine if we find the truth. We always have a choice. We may decide to question our beliefs, reject taboos at least for a moment, and understand basic logic, or stay in delusions of our smelly, average comfort zone in which nothing new will ever get done, keeping humanity in this constant loop of ignorance.

Who are the people who need to punish, feel the power, use others and derive the thrill of it? They are the ones who paint themselves as the cream of the human race; the most intelligent and benevolent representatives of our civilization. It's not gangs, right? We all know that gangs are usually crooks.
Whenever I discuss these issues, everyone agrees that politicians are the most corrupt people. For most of us it is clear that they are simply actors hired by banksters to give sheep the illusion of freedom. They tell us what we want to hear, and not keeping their promises does not even surprise us. The person responsible for trash removal has a trial period. When he starts work, if he does not fulfill his duties, he will receive a warning and he will be fired. The decision-makers of my life and death do not. Trash man yes. The lord of life and death can do what he wants for years, and later his friend will take over. A logical mistake, which is the thought that a politician can bring any good at all, can easily be disproved.

A government does not create or add any value because it does not magically bring any wealth into our lives. Everything that the government can ever do is paid for by all of us. By providing universal health care or benefits for the poor and the unemployed, a government must first rob everyone to squander the majority and give away the remnants of this huge stolen wealth to several chosen ones, many of which are ordinary parasites.
What should seem absurd and immoral changes magically into the best and only choice for humanity or at least into the "necessary evil". What is so necessary about it?

Each government is immoral and illegal. There can be no such thing as a government and as always the basic logic, questioning and honesty of the answers should explain everything.
None of us has the right to hurt anyone. We know instinctively, since we were toddlers, that nobody likes violence and suffering inflicted on others does not work in a civilized society. Where does our psyche prank as into thinking that a sociopath, which has no basis skills of interpersonal relations of a toddler, is our friend?
How is it possible that words change their meaning depending on who commits an immoral act?
How can an immoral act suddenly turn out to be moral simply by writing it on politics paper? Is this magic?
Where do politicians get the right to do things that nobody has the right to do?
How to get magical powers is a question for Santa Claus, but since he is as real as a government, the question remains unanswered.
When these super humans write their demands on magical paper, are they equally responsible for their actions as us; the non-sociopaths? What if any of us decide to put our neighbors in cages if they refuse to obey?
When the lawmakers and their mercenaries in costumes use coercion and violence in the name of civilization, do they bear the same responsibility for their actions if someone else did the same on their own?
When we disagree with political dictatorship and feel moral discomfort, are we morally obliged to do what is right, or should we do evil, as long as we obey the law?

I think we can all agree that theft and threat of a cage or death on the scale of the whole country, or even the world, represents a fairly low level of morality and is at least a dick move.
But who will build the roads, hospitals or protect us against the invasions of all these evil people?
Whomever a free individual chooses to provide the services we need, it cannot be worse than being forced to the monopoly of the worst provider that can ever exist. It doesn't get worse than choosing (or being born into) the mafia who murdered 270,000,000 people over the past 100 years, not counting wars and doing it legally, simply by recording murders on magical paper.

The only bandits with a monopoly on violence ARE the politicians.

Is there any role of a government at all? There must certainly be something in which they are better than the private sector. With this question I turn to you, healthy people. Please help me find at least one example. I did not succeed.

The only reason why we can not recognize the obvious facts is that governments really manage our emotions and thoughts. And in this they are truly the best. From pharaohs, kings, feudal lords to politicians and presidents. The strategy "too unbelievable to be true" for the sheepfold, to ridicule anyone who even asks whether we can afford more than that, has been used for thousands of years. Along with other mechanisms from the group psychology textbook, once noticed, it becomes clearly-transparent and can no longer be unseen. Sometimes you have to look beyond your emotions to see the reality people of no emotions created for us.

Most of us agree; politicians are not the best of us, but rather the worst. Giving them responsibility for our own lives seems at least unwise. Why are we arguing with each other, which branch of the mafia should dominate over everyone by voting for men from one party or another? Is it important which madman we'll give a machine gun to and the sole permission to murder? Isn't voting pathetic and immoral? Let's be honest about the definition of voting or even cherished democracy.
Democracy is the brutal dominance of a majority over a minority. Democracy means that only people who believe in an immoral voting ritual choose what will happen to me if I do not join their cult. Voting comes down to choosing between two dominant, almost identical parties that instead of representing people, represent themselves in the mindless spectacle of a monkey circus.

And you?

Would you like to vote for your sociopath, which promised to force people with different opinions to your worldview?

(End of part 1)

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