Treat Yo Self!

Treat yourself as best as you can, because nobody else will do that for you. There will be no Edward Lewis (played by Richard Gere in Pretty Women) showering your slutty ass with luxury goods and saving you from your miserable poor life. Money won't start raining out of nowhere, even though The Secret -book and the testimonials about it will try to tell you so. You are delusional if you think so.

I am definitely a dreamer, and used to be to the point of being disappointed all the time because I felt like I deserved my own Cinderella story, but just didn't have it. Why would I deserve it? What great things were I doing to deserve such princess-like treatment? Nothing, I tell you, nothing! There have of course been people promising great things, but they mostly just talk big, but fail to deliver on their promises. Fuck that. The only white knights are on the internet, defending your honour when you are slut shamed. Sidenote: I'd prefer a white viking, but let's not split hairs.

There are no free lunches, not now, not ever. The sooner you realise that, the better. If you want something, you need to work for it.


The best things in life are free. The second best are very, very expensive.

-Coco Chanel

I consider love being the very best thing, and even though it's technically free, you can't just get it off the shelf on your supermarket. But the second best things, oh boy, all of that I can get for myself.

I buy my own damn glass slippers, ain't no fairy god mother helping me out!

Welcome new Louboutins, to my humble home, you will be loved and cherished. I really truly enjoy these kinds of luxury purchases and I am so happy that I'm finally in a position where I can treat myself to my dream shoes. I may regret some fast-fashion items I buy on a whim, but never a quality luxury item, those always hang in my wishlist for months or years before I decide to buy them. It feels so special when I finally get them, and I attach a lot of feelings and life events to them.

What was the last thing you did to treat yourself?

PS. If there for some reason will be a king in my life one day who wants to treat me like a queen, don’t worry, my wishlist is long ;)

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