(Don't) Drink and Steemit


You might end up posting some nude pictures of yourself in the blockchain if you are't being careful. Oh wait, I already post nudes almost every day, so what could go wrong!?

I'm starting to write this around 9PM and I'll add thing as they come up, let's see how incoherent I get and will the spelling errors increase over time. I guess this could be called free writing or something like that, a collection of random thoughts.

9PM One (pint size) Gin&Tonic downed, taking the dog out and a trip to the corner store to get more Tonic water, we already have 5 bottles of Gin at @escapist's house, so we got that part covered.

9.45PM Trying to work on pictures, end up with 10 unfinished ones. A lot of laughing at the most random and stupid things.

10PM Girls gone wild on the chat, things get a little out of hand, but we are not sorry. #teambernie #nofilter #noshame

11PM Things slow down a little, we are rusty with the alcohol. Drink number 3697392, I lost the count after the first one...

Midnight MacBook battery down to 10%, level of drunkness up to 110%. Getting to the point where Steemit is all the love I need.

Predictions for how this night will continue: More laughing, more inappropriate jokes, more G&T (with less the T and more of G), maybe a hysterically funny voice chat over at discord on the AM hours, who knows. Passing out on the bff's sofa later on.

12.30AM Igor the dog just started drinking my G&T.... Need to make myself a new one.... Hope the dog gets a hangover too...

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PS. I feel like people care too much about other people's opinions and how they represent themselves on the internet and life in general. The perfectly aligned cover photo, the inviting title, the perfect first line, fuck that shit! Let loose and have a little fun, don't think too much. Also, don't drink too much, drink just enough. Drink the good stuff, the Gin stuff.


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