Hatred--A Struggle From Within

Hate is running rampant! It's as if it has a life of its own!

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It's never been more apparent to me in my lifetime that humans have deep, unaddressed gunk we've been carrying around inside ourselves for eons, as it's now oozing out as hatred all over each other.

Old wounds are triggered as tension runs high, and many have not developed the skills to recognize and be responsible for those feelings and perceptions of their own that rise to the surface. Often the pain of those deep wounds clouds clear judgment, and instead of sitting with what is and owning one's reality, reactions are unleashed to bring down someone else so one can get a moment of reprieve from the intensity of the self.

There are many parallels in what is happening on a global scale, on our own side of the world, in neighborhoods, in homes, in personal relationships and in hearts. All the fighting, name calling, resisting, blaming, seeking to harm others, and other ways of expressing one's strife is an indication of what is actually going on inside the self, most often based on fear, lack of true understanding, and a sense of victimhood and feelings of disempowerment.

Unfortunately, many are falling for the story that is put before them, and using the superficiality of the circumstances to amplify the chaos, and to have justification to express their internal disturbance.

It's a high level ability to see beyond the surface, and to truly be open to other perspectives and possibilities that things are not what they seem. We needn't be investing our energy into separation and division, but can and more than likely will succeed if we lay down our differences and use our energy to work together for common good.

Though it is said that "haters are gonna hate", we ourselves can rise above and set the example. We can hold ourselves to higher standards, help instead of hinder those around us, and do our part to raise the vibration for us all.

I have always loved this quote--
“I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.”
— Booker T. Washington
and have found it most recently in an article by Gustavo Razzetti. I've come across a few of his works, and find much of what he says to ring true to me. Perhaps you'll give it a read too, and find a few valuable points to ponder for yourself:


💛Have a blessed day!💛

💞 Shellie aka @everlove💞

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