Many a times life becomes hard not because of what we face neither is it because of our surrounding but because of the choices we make in life.
Did you know that instead of blaming your life on the surrounding situations God gave you the power to change your surrounding?

God placed man in a position of total dominion over his surrounding.
To Dominate is to take total control, authority and power over a given status , place or situation. It's power given through legal authority.

Genesis 1
[28]And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and man]; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth.

You might have been brought up in not such a good background, you might have made some wrong choices in your life but this doesn't guarantee you to sit back and throw a pity party for the rest of your life.

You need to get up, change your mind and make the right decisions!

You might have been born in a poor family, but doesn't mean you should also be poor.
You might have gone through a rough childhood but that shouldn't determine your future.
You might have wasted a lot of time but that doesn't mean you should seat back in regret for the rest of your life.
You might have made some bad business deals but that shouldn't hinder you from exploiting more.

Our lives, destinies and dreams are not determined by our past experiences but are determined by the future choices we make.
Your past has no power and authority over your life. The only way your past can have authority over your life is when you decide to dwell in it, this means that you have a choice, either to dwell in your past or focus on what awaits you ahead.

If we can borrow an example from a plant, we see that a plant bares with all kinds of seasons, a plant will bare with the scorching suns, the stormy weathers, the various pestilences but the beauty about the plant is that it won't give up, if it gets an opportunity to grow, it will grow forward because its only vision and dream it is to bare fruit.

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We too should learn from these plants. When sessions in our lives are hard let's be firm and push forward, let's focus on our dreams and visions as what really matters, only then will you be able to reach your destiny.

One truth I can share with us is that You need Jesus in your life to help you overcome the different challenges in this world and only He can help you make the right choices which will enable you reach your destiny.
Jesus loves us so much and His plans for us are good, to give us HOPE, to prosper us and to give us a future.

Jeremiah 29
[11]For I know the plans I have for you,” says the lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

May we learn to make the right choices in life as we put our trust in the Lord.

I Love y'all..!
Jotham The Evangelist

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