Welcome to Epiphany's!!!

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*Original blog post

Greetings and salutations to all who find themselves reading this initial blog entry of mine!!!

It's June 5, 2018 and it's a Tuesday. The weather today in central New Brunswick is an unseasonably cool 9 degrees with showers as I sit here putting all the parts of this "store front" together.

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Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a woman of abundance and taste. I go by many names these days (as many of us do) but the one used most often and most of the time in the "real" world is Joely. The one I use here (and many other places on the internet) is Epiphany. Yet we are one and the same and it's a pleasure to meet you!

I'm 48 years old by the current calendar and I have accomplished many things in the almost half a century I've been around. I recently decided to take an entrepreneurial leave of absence from my civil service career in order to expand my life experience in an entirely new direction and experiment with wherever that leads me.

Life is a challenge for so many of us. I spent a large portion of my life trying to live up to these challenges and all the expectations that come along with them. In many ways I did have it easy and with that comes an added layer of complexity that is easily discounted and can profoundly impact you in a negative way if not properly respected over time.

This lack of respect for myself and others led me to a dark place, devoid of feeling, that I can return to any time I want to. Except that things are very different now. When I was in that place, I offered myself a choice. Apparently I chose to live because I'm still here. Writing this blog entry. I doubt I will ever forget the feeling of that place even though I no longer reside there.

It is my journey from there to now that I offer here with the products I make. I understand better than most that these products are not for everyone even though everyone can use them and derive some benefit. It is my sincerest wish that those who choose to use my products will benefit from the emotional healing I have done, know that permission to accept these gifts has already been granted. The receipt is merely proof of purchase. Use and acceptance is up to the user each and every time.

Each of my products comes with a story. I'll be dedicating a blog entry in the coming days and weeks for each of them, beginning with Quinara. Wait til you get a load of her!!! Here's a sneak peak as to how she's looking these days:

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For now, I've put in a full day's work and it's time to sign off for the day!!!

I want to thank each and every person in my life for helping me get to this point. This next leg of the journey is just beginning and I have no idea or expectation as to where it may lead. All I can say is that I'm doing the best I can and if my best isn't good enough, there's not a darn thing I can do about that. I'm taking it one day at a time. Here's to getting better, for the benefit of all.

May the Source be with you.

  • Epiphany

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