Impossibility is nothing

 Isaiah 40:15-18 Impossibility is nothing to a man who believes in
miracles. Miracles have no natural explanation -
they defy human logic. Whenever you ask for a
miracle, you are asking for something that is beyond
what human beings can do. You are asking God to do the impossible.Your faith in God makes every impossibility
possible. The mistake some people make when they
are confronted with a challenge is to match the size
of the challenge with their size. They match the size
of the need with their bank accounts or match the
size of the adversary with their own size. This often
leaves them flat on their faces in despair.Men of faith however, measure the size of their
opponents with the size of their God. They match
the size of their needs with the abundant supply of
God's store house.They compare the size of their problems with the
size of God who counts all the nations as less than
nothing. Such people can believe God for anything.
They talk big and make their boast in the Lord.
When you tell them something is not possible, they
simply hand it over to God.People of faith are careful in calling something
impossible. They have read about the parting of the
Red Sea, hard rock producing water, Jericho's wall
collapsing, three Hebrew children in the fiery
furnace and so on. They believe what they have read and to such people, impossibility is nothing.Confession:
Lord, I believe your word. ALL things are possible. 

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