Matters Of Concerns And Their Implications


I have been thinking about many things lately. Please permit me to share a few thoughts with you today.

The very near future: I see a world of massive unemployment. Not because there will be no jobs, but jobs taken over by machines and robots. The ATM machines and online banking are a good example why many banks will open more branches yet reduce their staff strength to just a few relevant personnel. You would have to be really relevant to work in a bank.

I was to fly from Sydney, Australia to Perth in Australia in 2011. Everything from ticket confirmation to boarding was done by machines at the airport. No one needed to attend to me for anything. Everything was D.I.Y.

Organisations are more concerned about profit maximization and human beings are more expensive to manage. Companies will only be employing or retaining very relevant personnel to reduce overhead cost and maximise profit.

Sleep: I feel sorry for anyone who spends 8 hours sleeping everyday in today's world. If you are 24 years old, it simply means you have spent 8 long years of your life sleeping. Creative people sleep less and even in their sleep, their mind is still working.

Do something with your mind. There's so much power resident there. Learn to use your mind to think creatively.

Please read one of our Senior Programmers note below after watching the video on Artificial Intelligence.

If all you have to offer is your certificate, i think you should have a rethink."Penguins.jpg

I and Dayo spent a significant time in Dubai talking in the field of Artificial Intelligence and how far it is going to take over. In fact, it may shock you, most businesses are already implementing it. Instantly, I took a course on Web Artificial Intelligent after he showed me two businesses online making use of AI. If you see what I saw, we should all call for a "family meeting".

I tell you the truth, the future of our industries is in the hands of machines and nobody seems to be seeing it.

You have only two options:

1. Become extremely valuable and indespensable to the company you're working for or

2. Build your own company.

Anything outside of the above, will put your financial future in crisis. Unfortunately, the two options require much sacrifices than what an average person is willing to pay.

If at this time, we are still busy teaching our children how to be employees and collect certificate, I have no doubt "thinking is the hardest work" #MyThought"

I agree with Paul.

To Your Success!

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