Lessons Life Always Preach With Time

Picture from screamingandshouting.com
Always never forget to tell the truth because the truth will always set you free .
Always work hard because you will be rewarded with success.
Always respect your fellow men and never be rude to even your junior because you never know whose helping hands you might need tomorrow.080717_1405_5LifeLesson1.jpg
Picture from scoremarketing.us
Always remember that nothing is impossible just believe you can do it and vision yourself doing it.
Always work hard,be determined,be committed,be loyal,be humble and pray to God for help daily because this qualities are what defines a successful person.
Always remember that hard work alone is the magic key that will unlock the doors of to our desires.
Always remember never to speak ill of any man and speak of all the good you know of everyone.
Don't be afraid of the enemy who attack you, be afraid of the friends who flatters you.
Always throw down challenges to your opponent never say you can't do it.
Always appeal to the noble motives and always dramatize your ideas.
Always think of the future forget the past and continue with the present.
Always remember that honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom.
Picture from insidermonkey.com

Don't forget that weak minds discuss people, average mind discuss events but strong minds discuss ideas because ideas built the world.

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