Knowing Your Weakness Is As Important As Knowing Your Strength


It is impossible for a person to not have even just a single weakness. It is innate to every human being to be good at some things, passable at others or downright lousy in many. Me myself even have lots of weakness. But I will focus on one that I have been trying to work on for quite some time. And that is the fact that I am not organized. I believe it's not only me who has this kind of weakness as most people really have a lot do on a daily basis. Some may manifest minimal signs of being disorganized yet some may have it as a major problem. Being organized for me is a skill to learn. It takes time to be mastered and it needs constant reminder to oneself to overcome. I find it really important to work on this weakness as I happen to have a pretty demanding job. I juggle 2 to 3 tasks simultaneously and I tend to mess up things like my schedule and most especially, my output. And it really sucks! My mom was the first to notice how disorganized I was. I tend to leave things everywhere and forget where I placed it when I needed it. I probably even have the messiest room in the entire world when I was a teenager and God knows that. To describe it. It's garbage!


Not until I realized that it was something that I have to change. I started by constantly reminding myself to be organized in everything I do. At home, I would put things into place and make sure that everything is in order. As for my job, I make sure to check my schedule from time to time so that I will be able to keep up with my tasks. I also follow a step by step procedure when doing my job to make sure that I'm always on track and the quality of my output won't be compromised. Later did I know, I was already doing it unconsciously and I can see a tremendous amount of change. And that's what important, to slowly see myself changing to be better. I may have not mastered being totally organized but I will, because I know I can. After all, I see organization as a gradual process and I'm getting there. 😊


We should all know our weaknesses for this is the first step for us to strengthen ourselves. You cannot turn a weakness into strength if you are denying the existence of that weakness. Be brave to talk about it and be proud that you have one because you are a human being and you are bound to be imperfect. It's okay to have weaknesses, what's not okay is not doing anything about it.

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