Using Logic To Detect Lies: 'Guns Kill'


Everytime there is a shooting "we" hear in the mainstream media that something must be done. When the debate is concerned about what must be done, the premis, that guns kill, is utilized in order to advocate removal/ban of firearms.

It can be hard to think with your thoughts and not your feelings, when dealing with an emotional subject that is difficult, such as a school shooting or another horrifying event. But it is in situations like such tragedies as a school shooting, that the ability to decrypt reality is key, when we try to understand the casual factor behind given event(s).

We correct our ways of thought by mirrioring logic in thought.

To precise our thinking we must then align how we think about reality, to reality itself. We must learn to respect that there are certain rules of which we must obey, always, in order to begin such an alignment.

Read more about the three laws of thought here

One of these simple adjustments made is the realization that nature does not produce contradictions. A thing can not simutaniously be, the thing and not the thing. That would be a contradiction.

The reason why a gun can not kill anybody is because, a gun is an inanimated object. Inanimated objects can not choose to kill. Dead things do not engage in animated behavior. Dead objects are not self-directing forces in nature but subject to such.

To furhter extrude this obvious fact from reality let us compare a gun in likeness to other inanimate objects, and see what we get.

  1. When someone is using a pencil to write a letter, who is to fault for writing the wrong name on the letter?
  2. Being at the local hair saloon getting a haircut we do not like, who do we adress for such a problem?
  3. If I steal an aeroplane and smash it into a small kitty. Who is to blame?
  4. While playing soccer at the beach you step on a stone and feel it is not nice. You blame the stone right? : )

Looking at all other examples where the mind is not tricked by emotional charged bindings, it is more than clear that the tool, or object is not to blame. Nature will not produce one single contradiction ever. Guns are not to blame for the actions of some individuals who used the guns.

Imagine a world where we took cars away because they killed people. Or where we took candy away because it killed people. What about kitchens, bathrooms, lawn mowers, crackers and so on.


Whether you like guns or not, propagating that: Guns kill - Is a lie and it obfuscates the problem at hand. We face the problem of children being murdered inside our own societies. Yet some people want to blame dead objects, that have no capacity for free will, feelings or toughts what so ever, for the shooting. It is a complete irrational fear of a tool based in absolute illusion.

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