
Every being has a different experience in life and death, sexuality is simply a part of that. Unfortunately today, most people struggle with self-loathing originating from a feeling of guilt towards their sexuality brought on by dogmatic beliefs based on centuries-old failed ideologies from faiths following the teachings of their bibles or ‘holy’ books which are out of touch with reality and the re-enforcement of the hitherto said beliefs by friends, family and other people in the society..

A person’s sexual orientation is simply their sexual identity in relation to the gender which they are attracted to, the fact of being homosexual, heterosexual or bi-sexual.

On the hatred of Homosexuality and Bi-sexuality

Where I’m from, there is a heavy presence of homophobia. Why?,.. religion! Particularly the religions of Islam and Christianity. When someone over here is stating his or in much smaller cases which I will talk about as we move on, her reasons for being homophobic, they say ‘It’s not part of our culture’, it is ‘against nature’ or ‘God’ frowns at it; asides heterosexuality, the others are ‘evil’, ‘unnatural’ and an ‘abomination’. Really now? Ok, let’s view some facts shall we:

Homosexuality and Bi-sexuality as part of the Natural World

Homosexuality and Bi-sexuality ARE in fact very much a REAL part of the Natural World. Tons of research are out there supporting this claim. According to Petter Bøckman, the scientific advisor of the exhibition Against Nature? in 2007, ‘No species has been found in which homosexual behaviour has not been shown to exist, with the exception of species that never have sex at all, such as sea urchins and aphis. Moreover, a part of the animal kingdom is hermaphroditic, truly bisexual. For them, homosexuality is not an issue’. Today, it has been discovered by scientists that more than I,500 species exhibit homosexuality and bi-sexuality, some being exclusive to one while the majority engage in both. These ranging from insects, gut worms, to birds, lizards, lions, dolphins and so on. For more information, click here:

Sexuality in History

The general world view on sexuality has been radically different for the better part of Human history up until now. Accepted ALL over the world, yes all over! It was no surprise and no big deal to see two people of the same sex dating, indulging in sexual activities or even married. In fact in some cases it was celebrated, part of ritual rites and even believed to bring good luck. Echoes from the past tell us about these through ancient stone paintings like those of the Bushmen of Southern Africa, old stories and legends, music and customs. It is common knowledge this was widely accepted in the West and the East, but as opposed to what some people and even Africans themselves may think, there was no place in Africa were the three sexualities weren’t the norm. As was rightfully said by someone who I don’t remember right now, ‘Homosexuality is not foreign to Africa, it is legalized homophobia that is the foreign import’. Wide acceptance has also been the case with the Native American peoples, the peoples of the Pacific and Aboriginal tribes. From ancient stone paintings, artifacts from civilisations of old, mural paintings, frescoes, and customs. Irrevocable evidence is available which points out the fact that the sexualities have been a normal and even integral part of communities around the world for ages. For more information, click here:

The Truth about Homosexuality and Bi-sexuality

Before I proceed. I would like to debunk two things. One is, that being homosexual does not mean that you stop being male or female, it simply is another experience, creating passion with the same sex, and the second is, outtie buttholes only happen when the area is not properly prepared and something particularly large tries to come in and then it gets messy…But! My point is it rarely ever happens, no one is really stupid enough to let it happen, and, a vagina will get injured as well if that happens. Another important thing to state is that the sexualities are different archetypes in your Energy body, with their bases being the Sacral chakra, the Susumna as it is called in Hindu, The water chakra. So, no person having a particular sexual orientation is missing out on any other. This is a false concept that so many people I’ve met have. It is like saying an eagle is missing out on swimming like a dolphin and the dolphin is missing out on flying in the open air. Two different natures entirely, get it?. Also, it is worth pointing out that when a heterosexual person is trying to understand and come to terms with gay or bi-sexual people, he/she usually comes under the false notion that they have to understand completely/feel what being attracted to the same-sex is. Can’t happen!...except you are gay or Bi yourself!. When they try and they don’t feel it, have the sexual connection to it, for the ones who still don’t want to be embracing, this is an excuse for them to say ‘Pft! I didn’t feel it, must not be natural’, yeah…no problem, don’t hate you, that’s your truth for now, and I respect that. Anyway, even with that, and I’m speaking out of personal experience but there’s research to prove and I’m pretty sure many will agree with me; most people ARE Bi-sexual, which is the case with other species that have gender, animals included! Do not, no no, always feel free to express yourself sexually. Most people want to, but are held back by dogma and warped societal views. We have been suppressed, under slavery for too long on this planet and NOW is the time to stop it once and for all. Seriously, pushing aside the opinions of dogmatic religion and the warped societal views attached to them, what is ethically, fundamentally wrong with gay or bi-sexual people? They are just living, breathing Human-beings like everyone else with feelings, hopes and dreams. This is another front in the Divide and Conquer system perpetuated on Ekken Humanity by the global elite. I urge each and every one reading this to try and see my point and refuse to fall for this any longer. This is one of the ways we have been divided as a race up till now and anyone that even cares to look for just a few seconds will notice that Division is the greatest achievement of the global elite on this planet. As Lola Rae rightfully said, ‘Unity is our strength, division is our weakness. If we come closer, nothing can defeat us’.

Moving forward…

From ages past, beings throughout creation have always had different sexualities, i.e, the three of them and have lived together in peace and harmony, respecting their differences and celebrating each other. We Humans tend to put a lot of thought and emotion into our sexuality, but Dragons for example, which really don’t have emotions perform the act of sexual union solely for the continuation of their species. It is possible for all of us despite our differences to live in peace and harmony, respecting one another as equals. It is my sincere desire that this is the case with all of Humanity here on this planet and I leave each and every one of you with the unlimited joy, love and abundance of creation.

Light and Void.

pic source: Google

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