Ignorance: The Biggest Disease of Man

If you have no problem with the way things are run in this world, our societal structure and the state of Human life and affairs, then clearly, you have a false sense of security and misplaced trust. The reasons why I say this cannot possibly be stated, talk less of dealing with them within the limited confines of an article, but would require volumes and volumes of books, treating the different problems. But, I’ve taken the liberty to deal with them here on my blog, because it is something that needs time, due to the sheer amount and processing of the information.

Anyway, with all that has happened and is currently happening on this planet, many people are completely oblivious to the mechanisms of the systems of the world we live in, choosing to remain nonchalant about the lies and corruption that currently exist on this planet, thereby throwing their lives and the future of the planet away to the bottomless pit of destruction where all ignorance leads.

In this post, I will outline and deal with the 5 main stages of Ignorance, so you can see how this psychological cycle plays out in everyone, and it is important to point out that no single person is exempted from this. Every one, everywhere has gone through some or all of these stages. Also, I will try to make each as brief as possible, while identifying the key points. Also, I will not be citing any examples but will leave that task to you the reader.

The Five Stages of Ignorance
Before I begin with them, I would like to inform the reader that each of these stages has an active and a passive side, as does everything, lol. Now, this does not mean that a person will only experience either the passive or active side of a stage. Both are experienced by anyone in a particular stage to varying degrees on either depending on the individual for the fullness of the experience since everything is a lesson to be learnt. Okay, let’s get to it then:

  1. Denial
    Active: This is the first stage in the state of ignorance. When active, the person genuinely doesn’t care, really doesn’t care or tells him/herself they don’t care about anything happening in the world or any other thing on a large scale e.g. political issues, endangered animals, pollution, bombings etc. Instead, they’d rather concern themselves with their own personal wants and needs in life. Feeling as though nothing that happens in the world is their business or they are not directly responsible for it, when in fact they are. One important thing to note about people in the active part of this stage is that they have varying degrees of being materialistic and may be self-centered.
    Passive: This may or may not have a religious stint to it. A person in the passive version is very docile when it comes to world or even personal issues. Instead of taking responsibility for his/her life, they choose to give away their power to outside forces. Under the delusional notion that ‘God’ is going to take care of everything and fight their battles for them. Giving such a person a false feeling of powerlessness, making them believe it is not their place or are not responsible for effecting any change which has grave Karmic consequences, because when you have a hand in something bad, but you deceive yourself it’s not your fault or you have nothing to do with it, the Universe does not recognize that, so your Karma must be equilibrated which makes the person be in a quite unfortunate state, you see?

  2. Anger
    Active: The person has begun to get a sense of what is happening around him/her and starts getting frustrated and annoyed at certain things in life. He/She does not understand why life has to be this way, and feels cheated in life. Such a person will tend to lash out angrily at people, friends, family and even strangers (in some cases) due to underlying annoyance and dissatisfaction.
    Passive: Here, you can say the person is in the next stage already or is leaning towards it. The anger is more subtle and inwards here.

  3. Depression
    No two parts in this one. Depression has set in, and like all mental illnesses, slowly starts eating away at the person, making him/her sick and if not dealt with early enough, may lead the person to consider other means of escape. At that point though, such a person has been roundly defeated and has given up on life and will begin toying with the idea of suicide or in unfortunate cases act on it.

  4. Bargaining
    At this point, an examination of the self in relation to the environment will be going on. The mindset of the individual can be in two ways here. The person may start to think that maybe things aren’t as bad as they seem or may feel that life is not at all in the favour of the individual and we must all choose from a set of options which are all bad in one way or the other in the daily struggles of life.

  5. Acceptance
    This is the fifth and final stage of ignorance. The individual has now accepted the world as it is. A person in this stage very often falls under the false notion that he/she is now a matured person and now knows how life works, when in fact this is a false state of maturity.

Once a person in the last stage realizes his/her foolishness, then the person will have taken the first true step on the path to wisdom. Ignorance is a disease that currently plagues the minds of many people. It is the root cause of all the predicaments that have fallen upon mankind, even every individual one’s life for ages. Praying endlessly to a personified dogmatic ‘God’ is not taking your life into your hands, religion has deceived many a person into that deluded mode of thinking and this will ultimately lead them nowhere. Taking the word of ‘constituted authority’ as truth by people brings joy and delight to the global elite and gives them more power over us, while they constantly aim projectile diarrhea at our gawping mouths, living with the satisfaction that we are going down the dismal road to despair they’ve laid out for us.

Cease blindly believing what you are told. It is time we all question old ideals/societal norms and thoroughly re-examine what we think we know; and when someone tells you or you come across something, AVOID believing it all at once and do some research to confirm first. GET UP and TAKE CHARGE of your LIFE NOW! For more information on what to do once you’ve broken out of the spell of ignorance, click here

It is my dearest wish and prayer that the veil of ignorance constantly picks up speed in being lifted off this planet from now on, ushering us into a new age of peace, prosperity and happiness. Till my next post, stay safe and know that no matter where you are, the love of all creation is forever with you!

Light and Void

pic source: Google

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