Survival Tips That Could Save Your Life

Life threatening situations don't occur in the average persons day to do life but it doesn't mean the situation doesn't arise from time to time. The best thing to do is to get prepared and be aware of things you can do to improve your safety. Remember, YOU can't be replaced. 


Every year people have accidents and lose their lives during water related incidents, but there are tips that can increase your odds of survival. 

If you find yourself in the middle of a large lake or ocean with no land in sight it's best to stay put. Experts say in 50 degree water experts say you have 2 hours to survive - this drops if you decide to swim for safety. 

If you're in a group, huddle together as there is definitely strength in numbers and this will conserve body heat. 


People all over the world have run ins with bears but actually having a confrontation with a bear can be a terrifying and dangerous experience. People do lose their lives.

Don't Panic. If its a grizzly bear, don't run as this fires up their prey instincts. If the bear approaches, this is when you should play dead and cover your neck and face. 

If its a black bear, don't play dead. Experts say make a lot of noise and make yourself look big. 

Plane Crash

You've probably heard the often citied line that plane travel is safer than travelling in a car, this is true. But when they do occur, they're responsible for lots of fatalities and injuries. So there are things you can do to improve your chances of surviving. 

Try to sit within 6 rows of an exit. Studies have shown that those have higher survival rate of those further away. 

Statistically you are more likely to live if you are seated in the tail.

Car in Water

Anyone who has lost control of their car knows that the feeling of helpless can be terrifying. This can be made worse if the car ends up going into deep water. Modern cars are not built to stay floating on water so you have a short period to act quickly. 

Don't try to open the door because the pressure will be too much. The very first thing you should do is unbuckle yourself and try to roll down the windows. If this isn't possible, look to break or dislodge a window. 

Through all of this, you must try to stay as calm as possible as this will only improve your chances of surviving.


Every year tornados rip through the united states affecting dozens if not 100's people. Its incredible anyone can survive being in it's path. There are some rather easy tips you can take to improve your chances of survival. 

If you're in a house, go to the basement or an interior room that puts as much space as possible between you and the outside and if you have one handy, put on a hard hat to protect your head. Don't open the windows as this can make it easier for the roof to rip off. 

Armed Confrontation

Thankfully, many of us won't be involved in an armed confrontation such as a robbery. However it does happen from time to time and if you ever find yourself at the wrong end of a gun there are ways to improve your odds of getting out alive.

First, try to stay calm, which is easier said than done. Talk to them in a calm voice and keep from making eye contact as this can be seen as a threat. Talk out what you are doing to the gun holder. This will keep the gunman calm. Don't try to be the hero in these situations. 

Thats the end of my survival tips. As you can see its a dangerous world. BE SAFE!


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