Confidence is silent



Trying to impress other people doesn’t always bring the results you wish for. Ok I have to admit that we all want to put our best foot forward but human beings tend to see in others more than the obvious.

From my experience people who talk too much about themselves do it because usually they need to prove it firstly to themselves. They hide their insecurities by trying to persuade others for the exact opposite. There is a greek saying about this “When you hear of many cherries, hold a small basket”-LOL the translation is a bit ridiculous I know but I had to let you know of which one I’m talking about.

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People are not stupid. They tend to see more than surface-level behaviours. Motivations and intentions play a much important role in communication. It is just annoying when someone tries to show superiority over others. That kind of behaviours are not impressive, in fact they are raw stupidity.


In addition if you do a cool action just let others talk about it and praise you, ‘cause if you praise yourself you simply end up with a not so cool action as people will see through it and they will create a really bad impression for your selfish, stupid ego.



By revealing your flaws on the contrary you generate intimacy and better connection with others. A person who accepts and appreciates himself builds better and happier relationships. Funny how that works right?

Let your weaknesses become your strengths and let others say how irresistible, caring and smart you are!

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