Will the U.S.A. soon dissolve as a nation?


We've seen this before, but it's been so long no one can quite remember how it went down exactly. I'm talking about the fall of Rome, the militaristic empire upon which the United States is based in many ways - right down to the roman columns on the White House and basically all stately buildings. It's no secret, and it's no secret that the USA is ill and possibly dying a slow death just like the Roman Empire did before it.

But I won't bore you with the screaming economic indicators that everyone keeps ignoring.

Instead, let's look at what a blind Bulgarian psychic has to say about it - Baba Vanga - who is known for predicting 9/11 and a whole lot of other things (with something like an 85% success rate). She predicted that the 44th president would be black, and that he would be the last acting president. It's not hard to argue that #45 is certainly not acting like a president of the United States of America.

But I won't bore you with the vast angles of plausible conspiracy theories that make way more sense than a racist, sexist, four-time bankruptcy filer and seething hernia mass being an elected and actual president.

Instead let's consider the many movements that already exist that would have the USA be broken up into a number of different autonomous countries (and in some cases bioregions) if they had their way. When I went to Vermont for the first time (and lived there for a while), I saw so many of those green flags with the star-spangled blue box that I thought they were the actual Vermont state flag. It turns out they are the flag of the Second Vermont Republic - a group that wants Vermont (and in some cases includes New Hampshire which has it's own secessionist group, upstate New York, and part of Canada) to secede from the Union. Then there's the notable Cascadia Rising which aims to declare independence for the entire Pacific Northwest. This is followed by the Jefferson State looking to free up Northern California. Actually there are several independence groups in California alone, including but not limited to Second Californian Republic, Yes California, Californians for Independence, and the California National Party. Then there's the dirty South. South Carolina has it's own secessionist party, Texas has their own, and the "League of the South" that will have to fight for both of them, or not. Alaska also has an Independence Party. And I'd like to give a big shout out to the Hawaiian sovereignty movement with members who like to point out that Hawaii is not a state so much as an illegal military occupation. Let's not forget all the First Nations people who would love to have their land back in an empowering way. With the pressure of all these groups, and a nation dividing even within it's own dominant political parties, it's not difficult to see how the current "president" is actually unwittingly giving massive power and traction to these groups.

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Now let me take you back to 2007. I has a weird feeling about how the economy was going. It wasn't good. I'm usually ahead of the curve on these things. If you'll recall, the housing market was booming. I started listening to something called the webbot report, which later was called ALTA. It's a sort of internet oracle that scans text not for particular words used, but rather shifts in how words are used. Originally they were trying to predict the stock market, but quickly realized they were often predicting the news, as if our collective unconscious is psychic. Anyway, they kept saying something about dollar death, so coupled with my own hunch I got in to currency trading (not cryptocurrency mind you, because there was effectively no such thing at the time). Long story short I made a bunch of money that I would have otherwise lost in the devaluing of the old greenback.

So this summer when ALTA started talking about the USA in the future, and having the report come back referring rather to the Republics of America, it certainly caught my attention. Now I realize the degree to which my supportive evidence is woo-woo, but it is such a plausible outcome of the near future that I had to put it out there. This is especially relevant to you cryptocurrency investors or potential investors, since cryptocurrencies would surely skyrocket (and indeed would play an integral roll, even enabling such a scenario to be possible) while this kind of social upheaval plays it's course.

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