Good news for Earth Nation

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Over 10 years ago I started to notice more and more people talking about permaculture, social justice, and elevating the human potential. I felt that each of these topics were interrelated somehow, and certainly I had interest in each one. I remember thinking that if only all the people interested in these topics could somehow come together to communicate and share resources, then we would have a major movement underway. Then just a couple years ago I heard about Earth Nation. It’s a network that’s designed to be just that – a way for like-minded people to collaborate – and yet it is so much more. Earth Nation is an organization of organizations, “uniting progressive organizations with next gen community organization software”. Earth Nation itself is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), which is a mouthful, but more on that later. They have had wild success in partnering with land projects across the globe, gathering financial backing, and launching bold new progressive projects.

In fact it’s so vast that it is often confusing for new-comers. Earth Nation is a broad paradigm shift with a far reach that is both a strength and a weakness. It can appear as a weakness because people wonder where the focus is and how it can sustain itself – however that’s not what I see as the weakness. The difficulty lies in the learning curve. Potential new Earth Nation members are often confused as to where to start, and it takes some time and dedication to find one’s place. There is an Ambassador program in place to help get the word out and guide folks along. Still it is not always an intuitive process and that is in part because it is autonomous, as mentioned above. Autonomy by nature offers a lot of freedom, but in a culture in which the vast majority of people are formatively trained to only think in a certain way (e.g. memorize these facts, regurgitate them during an exam, and otherwise do what you’re told), autonomy can be overwhelming and cause shut-down. This I see is the main reason Earth Nation is not yet seeing as much action as say Facebook.

Nevertheless, there are enough people involved that the organization lives on even through phoenix-like rebirths. Being an organization that has fairness and humanity as corner tenets of its existence, Earth Nation will periodically scrutinize its own structure and decision-making processes in order to improve upon its latest iteration. This may be one of its most powerful assets – the ability to adapt. There is no hesitation to embrace positive-change technology either. Combined with massive financial, real estate, cryptocurrency and other blockchain technology, as well as ties to a variety of organizations that are each quite successful in their own field, the future potential of Earth Nation as a world game changer is rapidly approaching fruition. Meanwhile, individuals that wish to become involved will also find a wealth of resources available to them.

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