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The discovery that could change the history of mankind

The discovery of some structures in Antarctica with a resemblance to the awesome pyramids of Egypt, has surprised scientists, and if it is determined that it comes to works of human hands, can change completely our history. 

 One of the structures was discovered almost completely and has a great resemblance with the pyramid of Giza, near Cairo.

 Scientists say that these objects are about 16 kilometers onshore icy continent. One of the theories dominant in the history of Antarctica is that it affirms that this continent has not always been frozen, reports tch.

It is believed that about 100 million years ago, he has been covered by forests, rivers and lakes with temperatures similar to those in New Zealand today.

 This thesis argues this claim with the fact that millions of years old ice of Antarctica have found traces of 32 bacteria, which can not resist the extreme temperatures.

If it is proved that the structures are built by human hands, human history differs substantially, given the fact that the pyramids of Egypt were built about 4,500 years ago and still today bear the mysteries of the great scholars of them, especially the way construction.
 In addition, the discovery has sparked more rumors on forums and sites 'alienologe', which indicate the existence of a civilization more advanced on the planet, before shfaqeshim us.

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