"To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain and play with it."- Charlie Chaplin.

Proverbs 17:22 says "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."
The world is full of anxiety, pain, stress, hurts, stress, thrash, crime, passion, loss, wins, shame etc and these few has made it practically impossible for one to stay still against all odds.
We cry when we are sad and we cry when we are happy. I have laughed out loud even in pain and always look forward to doing that despite myself.

When you cannot make sense of certain things, go about your work with the understanding that sense and nonsense are there for a reason. Merge Sense and nonsense despite the pain you feel to get the best of your laughs.
You don't need beauty, teeth, curly mascara, cars, jets, yacht, money, food or liquids to laugh, laugh it out from your heart.

When Henri Bergson said that "Laughter is the corrective force which prevents us from becoming cranks," he is no farther from the truth. Laughter helps scare the wrinkles away and puts some beauty routine on your life. The pain will always be there and most time, they will threaten to kill us, but we must be ready to keep laughing it away.

Laughter is the only proven cure for grief. Holding that fact and understanding helps us decide to live happy and then healthy and then long. The heart cannot be seen to enjoy truly what it does not yearn for.
You must yearn for happiness and take hold of what truly makes life worth living; laugh for the wrong and right reasons.

Learn to laugh and rejoice. Give thanks in all things and show how truly thankful your heart leaps at the thought of being grateful. Laugh at the stress and pains of daily living, in order words, laugh at your demon so it flees and allows you some moments of sanity.

The whole idea of "playing with the pain" may sound new and strange to many because, there is really no point for them to pretend they are having a good time when they are not.
Promise yourself that no matter the negatives you are going through, you will not allow yourself to die from anxiety and tears. Tears and anxiety attracts all the wrongs and sets in motion, an entry of the worse kinds of disease that brings the human mind and body down.

I Feel Blessed!

Living is hard and stressing and that said, you need to create a laugh schedule to Yes, create a laugh schedule and pounce on the various challenges that lurks in the shadows. Seek out something to laugh about and if there is nothing just do these:

Laugh on Credit

trust me, you won't have to pay back.

Laugh in Advance

someone has to laugh and I see no reason why it shouldn't be you.

Put laugh in Motion

and even if there is nothing to Laugh about...

Make a Laugh!

go on and be the director of your show, call the shots and make it count.

A final word from William Ward..- "To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity."
So, do well to laugh at your self when the pains come crashing down on your world.

Make the world a better place for someone today!

Images from Pixabay and Shutterstock

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