Go full throttle...

"Life is like a ten-speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use."- Charles Schulz.image.png


It is sad how we end up not fully utilizing the power of innovations we have within us, because we always first look to limiting ourselves by using what we think we have which should be just enough. For the regular biker or someone who doesn't ride at all, there will not be a need to use every available gear on the bicycle.

I Feel Blessed!


If you have a car, you will agree with me that, you have only ever used the Reverse, Park and Drive gears and have never really bothered to use the Drive 1 & 2. Do you know that the additional gears were put there for a reason and until you try it out, you will not and never know what power your automobile holds.

Activating potential in life is similar to the utilizing every available gear in a ten-speed bicycle or a car. If you don't push the lever, you will not get the adrenaline that comes locked up inside. Holding true to a particular path or speed during our sojourn in life, means we may never truly get the benefits of what awesomeness we are created with.
Go full blown, use every available gear you can find in you and you will be excited at what mighty works you are capable of. Stay close to nature and understand that, nothing great is given freely, we must exert ourselves if we must have results.
Try it, engage with your ten-speed gear and don't hold back. Go full throttle!

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