What do I Want With My Life? 5 Questions - These Tips Help You Get More Clarity!

A question that every person asks himself sooner or later: what do I want with my life? Which way should you go? How do you know what you want and do not want? These tips help you get more clarity!

What do I want with my life?

What do you want to do with your life? What do you like and what do you want to spend your time on? It is a question that mainly concerns many young people. Once you have finished your education, and suddenly end up in the 'big people world'. But even in later life this question can arise.

There are few things in life. You determine for a very large part how you organize your life and what you do with it. This freedom sometimes makes the choice so difficult. Because when do you know if you make the right choices? After all, there are so many possibilities.

Do what you like

Some people know exactly what they want with their lives. They naturally have a certain passion. They are goal-oriented, and know from an early age what they want to achieve. But not everyone is naturally so passionate.

Yet in this passion lies the answer to the difficult question ' What do I want with my life? '. The ultimate goal of your life is to experience happiness. And by doing things that you like you will experience more happiness in your life.

So you can discover where your passions lie. For one person, that is the development of websites, while the other is to look after animals. So the question is, what makes you happy?

What do you like to do, and where are your talents? As soon as you find something you have talent for and also enjoy, you have found a direction. This may well be what you can use to make your life meaningful.

Three criteria that help you choose

If you want to know what you have to do with your life, you will have to make a choice. These three criteria help you to simplify your choice. When your choice meets these three points, you can hardly make a wrong choice.

These are the three criteria:

1-You will be happier
2-You're good at it
3-You add something positive to the world

Five questions to discover what you want with your life

Answer the questions below and discover what you want with your life. Write down your answers. In this way you can formulate them clearly and you can evaluate them later and discuss them with other people.

1. What do I find fun and inspiring to do?

What makes you happy? Which things do you really like to do? Dare to write down everything that comes to mind here. You may find it wonderful to surf, but you are afraid that you can not do anything with it. If you are good at surfing, and also like it a lot, then maybe it's your destination to become a surf instructor?

2. What do you absolutely dislike? Turn that over.

Now write down what you absolutely do not make happy. Make it an extensive list. If all goes well, you will not be happy with this exercise.

When you are done, write the opposite from each point on the list. These are probably the things that you really like. Do you hate office work? Then the opposite is to work in the open air, maybe your thing!

3. What are you good at?

Take a look at where your talents are. Write down in which things you are good according to yourself. Then also ask other people in your area about your talents. Write down everything they say.

It may be that you initially do not agree with these people. Remember, however, that others can have a better picture of your talents than you do. You may not see your own talents because of modesty or low self-esteem. If several people say that you can style great then you might have discovered a new talent!

4. What did you do if you could not fail?

Imagine that you could not fail. Everything you would undertake would be guaranteed to be a success. What would you like to do then? Would you choose a different career? Would you set up your own company?

Write down the answer to this question as detailed as possible. Perhaps you know exactly what you want with your life, but do not dare to dream because you are afraid that it will not work.

5. How can you add value to the world?

Every person on earth is unique. Every person is born with a unique package of skills and qualities. One is very social, the other can write great. Every person has been given the opportunity to add value to the world, to mean something.

Imagine that it is your assignment to add value to this planet, in which way would you be able to do that? How can you use your unique package of talents, experiences and personality traits to make people, animals or the earth happier, healthier, more comfortable, happier, more successful and better? Write down the answers.

Discover what you want with your life

If you have answered the above five questions, you have developed a nice picture of what you want with your life. You know what you like, where your talents are and how you could contribute to the world.

Give yourself time to brood on these answers. Talk about it with people from your surroundings, your parents and your friends. Sooner or later you will discover what you want with your life. Have you discovered what you want with your life? Do not waste your time and go for it!

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