From contemporary readings of the Qur'an

The conclusions that Dr. Muhammad Shahrour concludes in his contemporary reading of the Qur'an are that Muslims
are not only called to follow the Prophet Muhammad, but to all who believe in God and the other day and in good deeds.

He says in his book "Islam ... origin and image" Page 52: and asked people in the Charter of Islam to pledge :))

  • To believe in God one God (Say: but the revelation to me, but your God is one God, are you Muslims) (Prophets 108)
  • And believe the other day .. Day of reckoning {who believes in God and the other day and good work, they have their reward to their Lord and no fear on them and they do not grieve) (cow 62). "He is the one who gives his face to God, and he is an optimizer. He has reward in his Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor do they grieve." (Al-Baqarah 112)
  • And to do good works that benefit them and benefit the creation, and this good work is open to the items and developed and multiply until the hour are committed to a detailed schedule in the performance of this good work is the commandments, ideals, or Criterion or the straight path or moral law, or what You want from names.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "Those who believe and those who are guided, Christians and Sabians are those who believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment and good deeds; for theirs is their reward with their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor do they grieve." (Al-Baqarah 62) : (And as we took your Charter and raised you above the stage Take what we give you strongly and remember what it is you may fear) (Cow 63)

And we understand that the full commitment of his will without coercion of these three items that constitute the Charter of Islam was a Muslim, regardless of the religion to which he belongs and the law that applies, Muhammadiyah was a Christian or a Jewish mother or Sabia these three heavenly boredom)

What is raised in the mind from the first moment is the desire behind the religious discourse, which can not accept the other until it enters within its betrayal, and if that makes him angry despite his nose!

This, in turn, shows us the latent node in us: the inability to accept pluralism. Can we accept others only if we combine them with our class? Then do they basically accept - the Jews, the Christians and the Sabians - to call them Muslims? This question makes me smile sarcastically!
There is an abhorrent feeling hidden by the religious discourse and is hateful to be in another paradise! And if not explicitly stated, but this is clear from the indications of what he speaks and what is silent about him.

This modern reading, despite all its apparent charms, remains a hostage to the fundamentalist atmosphere. If it is a contemporary dress, it is based on the invocation of the Qur'an from its environment and from all the circumstances surrounding its descent and from the culture that shaped the meanings of his speech. Claiming that it can be read in every era without the need to refer to all these rationales!

Jews are Jews, Christians are Christians, Sabians are Sabians, Muslims are Muslims, everyone works like him, and with God - not us - under you the opponents

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