Why some remain poor while others flourish


I have always said time and over again, poverty only becomes absolute when we suffer from poverty of ideas. You might suffer from financial deficit and still bounce back as it is temporary if you apply the right steps,but it becomes permanent when we cripple our finances mentally.


Poverty is a state of mind not a condition

Yes, you heard that right, it is actually a state of mind not a condition. Those who were born with a silver spoon can become poor if they mismanage opportunities before them. Those who were poor can become rich if they employ the right mindset to succeed.

Poverty is not the absence of money, it is the absence of uncommon ideas. Believe me, every Tom, Dick and Harry can cook up an idea any day, any time, but the main thing is not just about coming up with an idea, it is about coming up with an idea that is practicable and applicable.

Not all ideas are good ideas, not all good ideas are practicable ideas. The truth is getting the right idea is never enough, it requires putting it into practice and being consistent enough to see it through.

People think of ideas, but how many people see those ideas through till the end?

You are only poor when you decide to quit

People who are familiar with Robert Kiyosaki will know he's someone who preaches on using the right ideas to end up on the rich side of life.

Those who are bitter about the success of others usually don't end up successful because they waste so much time being bitter that they do not realize that they have expended so much energy, time and resources focusing on blaming others for being the reason for their poverty, that they forget to make effort to leave that state.

A man who decides to be poor will remain so despite what you say or do. The reason is because if he was simply born poor, then there is hope. But if he decides to be poor, then there is no hope.

Let me give an example: When you preach the gospel of steemit to a lot of people, they discard it easily without giving it a chance. Now, there are people who are skeptics naturally by default and there are those who are the reason for their poverty.

Imagine joining a site for free, no bank account details required, verification online is possible, all you have to do is to give it a shot and you refuse citing it as a possible scam. A scam that does not require you to even use your real name?

When bitcoin came out (sadly I knew nothing about the gospel of cryptocurrencies back then), a lot of people called it a scam. Guess what, those who gave that scam a shot are multimillionaires nowadays.

When steemit launched, I am sure a lot of people had the opportunity of being a part of that greatness, as usual some people turned it down because it was not a convenient way of earning.
Convenience here refers to the fact that it was not their regular job or idea of how their wealth would come, some of those who tried it out have also made it big today.

The truth is earning might not come in the form we desire, and if we don't prepare our minds that we can earn through various means, then we'll be broke for the rest of our lives.
We should not condition our minds that we must earn only through the comfortable means.

The rich will keep getting rich because they are the real risk takers. You do not expect someone who gambles with a high amount to win the same as someone who only gambles with a token.

The reason why the rich find it hard to just dash out their wealth to the poor no matter how hard they complain is because the rich people also worked for their wealth and should they help, it is a privilege not a birth right.
The rich will help the rich easily because they are their fellow high risk takers, so instead of complaining about someone not sharing his hard earned wealth with you, go out, use your head and earn.

Thanks to @camzy and @elyaque for the animated art and badge
Images from pixabay

Ehiboss art.jpeg
lion badge.png

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