Every Bad Situation Have Something Positive


Even a dead clock will show correct time two times in a day, life is faced with many challenges and circumstances but in every situation there is a lesson to be learn which will later turn out to be wonderful sometime.

In every situation we are asked to give thanks to God because there are people in worse situation you can't imagine. In every dead situation, something positive lies around the corner. Take an instance of a puzzle, while trying to complete or fix a puzzle pieces together, you're faced with many challenges on the way, fixing the right puzzle piece on the wrong side but once you're able to finish the puzzle and you're called on any other day to fix same puzzle, am sure it won't take you as much time it did take you in the first instance.

That's how life is, life is like a puzzle, each day we try to fix each piece on the right side. If we get it properly life goes on smooth but the day we put the right puzzle piece in the wrong side, things start turning up side down. Now we have to retrace our steps back to fix the puzzle piece in the right side. Once it's fixed on the right side it is done. So even when faced with another similar puzzle of life, it will be more easy to handle.

Everything works together for good to them that are in Christ Jesus, that's a perfect example of every bad situation has something positive. Have you ever wanted to go for and extremely important trip and one way or the other you missed your flight or bus or train and later in the evening you hear something tragic happened to that same transportation you were supposed to enter. Now you won't get angry again but start giving thanks.


Everything in life happens for a purpose, even if you made a mistake that put you in such situation, I feel the mistake happened for a reason too. No matter how bad the situation is, there is something positive in it. A poor man Is in a very bad situation but will never have to fear about armed robbers or kidnappers. If only they know how the rich hide from such, they will see the positive side. Am not saying anyone should stay poor, I just gave an illustration of bad situation but something positive.

Have you ever been so sick you could not do anything but due to that sickness you got a gift you've always wanted to receive, have u been so broke you can't even afford transportation fee but at the end your life was saved because you couldn't go out. Like I said, everything happens for a reason in life. Just give thanks in every situation.

Learn something positive in every situation you find yourself. Every lesson learn will be useful in the next stage of the puzzle (life).

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