
In this text I want to express my criticism about the documentary "Minimalism", which I found a before and after in my transformation process, I think this documentary ended up opening my mind to what I really wanted to achieve in life and is not to fight for locked UiR something material or a goal, do not set your success as a goal, success is not a prize or a place, I think the documentary and I agree that success is the process of advancing, progressing, doing what you like , if you are not stuck with a life that you do not like, not being stuck in getting money, paying debts, wanting to buy the newest iPhone, this is the beginning of the road to failure.


The documentary also touches an interesting point of view that is to be minimalist is not to be extremist and get rid of what you love or stop buying what you like, that is the opposite point, minimalism is about eliminating your life all that is not important In this way you can focus on what is really important, what you really love and not what everyone wants to sell, unfortunately today advertising and big companies are rotten, do not care in the least the welfare of people , only interested in selling more and more, it makes me impossible to believe that according to the documentary, children under 1 year, and use Tablet to play.

And not bad use these products, you have a use that often drives to perform better jobs, the bad thing here is that it is almost obligatory to buy new things, buy better things, fill you and fill you with things, not only materials, if not fill the same Time of great anxiety and emotional emptiness for ever having more and at the same time each time feel more empty.

As I mentioned before, success is not a thing or a goal, believe me that if you have nothing material but in your mind you have everything, you are the most millionaire person that exists, and more if you use your mind to inspire, to love, and is that as mentioned in the documentary , "Love people and use things, backwards does not work", I would not exchange a cup of coffee with my girlfriend or a hug from my old, for having the newest cell, so ask yourself that is the success for you, is to have more money every day or every day to be where I like And if it's more important to you to have more friends or have more empolvándose things in your house.

by Edgar Hernández

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