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When information passes from one person to another it changes from what it originally is to what the the messenger feels it should be by his/her own understanding and sometime some of these people passing the info along may feel it is not juicy enough to arose curiosity or cause an intended reactions they want, so they add a little twist.

Sometimes the change of information when being passed is not a conscious act and sometimes it.
To put this to a test, I said to a friend " I will no longer go to that supermarket again because the price at which they sell their goods is higher and one of their sales reps was rude to my wife".

I asked him to relay what I just told him to another friend and he said " he just told me he is not going to that supermarket again because the price of their goods is higher compared to other store and he was insulted by one of the sales reps".
I never compared the price of goods at the supermarket to another and it was my wife that was insulted not me.

He was asked to relay the info also to another Friend and he said " he just told me the supermarket's sales reps insulted him and the manager did nothing, so he will never go there to shop again".
I never mentioned manager but now he has some how appeared in the passed info

The information that was originally passed by me has completely changed from what it used to be to something else. This is the more reason we shouldn't act immediately we are told something because info being passed must have been watered down or added to deliberately by mischief makers.

Being proactive to information that are questionable or from a questionable source sometimes lead to an action that is later regretted. So question all information before you act

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