Empath Protection Methods

The meaning of protection is the state of being protected. As an Empath we may have experienced many things in addition to just feeling what others feel. We may actually see, hear, or feel other invisible Beings around us. Some of these Beings are not very nice, some actually can harm Empaths. This writing will discuss ways to protect Empaths against the Beings that like to either take energy or actually harm us physically.

My Story

I am one of those people that is able to remember my first beginnings. Not exactly the moment of creation, but definitely being in my mother’s womb. There are not many of us that can do this, but there are some of that have this ability. I have many stories that I can share throughout my childhood that those with these types of gifts completely understand me. To these individuals, this blog is for you.

I can recall the first time I saw Spirit, and I can honestly say I was frightened. I feel that most of my life I lived in fear and it was not until I got older that I understood that was just how I was made. At the time, I did not have a teacher even though later on in life I found out that my father and his side of the family are all well connected to the realm of Spirit. So, I was very confused about what was real and what was not. For a long time I blocked out my abilities due to fear.

When I use the term Spirit this can mean different things, and for the most part my family can see those that have passed on from this realm, some people call these spirits ghosts. I can also see dark things, and some people call them demons. I call them unfriendlies, and mostly out of respect for those that cannot handle the term demon or dark thing. Some people open their arms to the dark willing or unwillingly, I do not.

There are those who have some of the same gifts, and they live the life of a hermit due to fear. I have met some very talented people, and their fear is not only contagious but overwhelming. As an Empath, this can creep inside the soul and that is not a healthy way to live. Therefore, to learn the meaning of acceptance, grounding and centering, and protection will prevent this fear to live inside of an Empath.

After my awakening in 2012, and I use that term lightly, in only that I have always had abilities it was a choice to start to use the abilities to help others instead of live in fear. It was a huge step towards living the life I was meant to live. I come from a long line of Medicine People and much of my training is done in other realms. I will get into that in a future post.

For now, I would like to discuss some of the basic protection habits that I must always do in order to feel safe and secure in my environments. These environments include home, work, car, and everywhere I go. There are certain practices that stay and some that need to be redone periodically. I am happy to share this information with the Steemit community in order to help others, the intention of this post is not instill fear. Once the basics of protection are learned, it becomes an easy practice.

Protection Method 1 - Creating a Grid

There are many forms of gridding, but I found that gridding my place of residence is mandatory. I usually do a major clearing if I move into a new location, and these are based on Old Blessings practiced for centuries. As a Reiki Master Teacher and Native American, I know how to perform this type of ceremony quite easily. This was something that came naturally, but the first time was terrifying. If you do not know how to do these practices, then I would encourage hiring someone to clear and bless your home. Let me share my first home clearing story with you.

My First Home Clearing

I had met this lovely lady from Canada in an Empath Chat room on Facebook. During these initial stages of my awakening I started to connect with some very powerful people. We will call her Mary. Mary was a gypsy and a Seer. We started to Skype and communicate regularly. Well, one day we were on Skype and she asked me what was in my apartment. All of a sudden I got a cold chill up my spine and the fear was so overwhelming that I was shaking. This is how much fear I had throughout my life. My story goes back farther, but we will save those for another time. So, back to Mary. Mary said to me “do not be afraid, but it is in your closet.” She said that she knew I had moved it, but did I know I had moved it to the closet? Of course, I said No!

At the time, I was sitting very close to that very same closet and I was alone in my apartment in New York City, now staring at the closet door. Still shaking. Mary said that she would guide me to do what I needed to do to move the dark thing out of the closet and out of the front door, to then seal the space so it could not get back into the apartment. Mind you, my heart was still pounding and the blood was rushed to my ears and head. Have you ever been that afraid? I was not sure I could follow any instructions, but I did. She stayed on Skype with me until I had opened all the windows, told it to Get Out, repeating a sacred blessing, while I walked throughout my entire apartment salting the windows, doors and any opening. The apartment was 1,200 square feet so this took awhile.

Later Mary told me she saw what it had looked like and that if I had really wanted to see it, I could. These are the types of things that I have blocked out because throughout my life I have seen some pretty scary stuff. Unfortunately, I did see this thing and to most people they may have lost their mind. It was grayish in color, had long spider like arms but human sized and no legs. It crawled on its forearms but it crawled very fast. It barely had eyes and very sharp teeth. It was one of the scariest things I had ever seen.

It was quite a fight to get it out of the closet and I had to get angry in order for it to move. In that one instant, I gained something within to be able to do this work. Some of the lights had started to flash on and off, the cold air had come in with all the windows and doors open so I was very cold and still shaking at that point. I was pouring salt everywhere, and Mary was laughing at me saying “how much salt do you need?” Since this was my first time, I was going to use as much as possible, as long as the thing left. By the time I was finished with the salting and blessing, I knew the thing had ran out the front door.

I closed everything up, and did what is called a selenite grid on all the corners of every room in the apartment. I lit a white pure candle and repeated the sealing of the Old Blessing with small pieces of selenite and one last round of Sage smoke throughout the apartment. I thanked Mary for her support and turned off our Skype conversation. The story does not end yet. I went to the bathroom, and right above the toilet was an air duct connected to the outside hallway to my apartment front door. It started to bang and the thing was banging to come back in. I told it no and to move on, that it was not allowed back in and that the place is now cleared. After quite a fight and telepathic communication, it finally left. I was still very afraid but I learned and grew from that experience.

I had not started to work with Angels and those of the Light just quite yet, so at the time I did not call down warriors to help me. This is something I have added to my current practice. If you are an empath that is new at this situation, then I encourage you to always call on the warriors from above to be there with you as you take on the unfriendlies. We never know how powerful they are or devious. These unfriendlies try to suck on our energy and the word for that in our world is called vampires, vamps, or energy suckers. Do not be fooled, they are real and exist in this realm. If you suddenly feel as if you have no energy left at all, if you smell something that has the smell of garbage, possibly a heavy weight on your chest, or if you feel something touch you odds are there is one of these things nearby.

My suggestion is to always have some sort of protection salt nearby, grid your place of residence and even your office or cubicle at work. These are very basic forms of protection.

Protection Method 2 - Calling Angels Or Warriors

Something that I learned fairly early on but perfected was to call down Angels and Warriors of other cultures. Because I am Native American I tend to ask Asian or Celt warriors for their assistance. I change up Warrior Angels but I work a lot with Archangel Michael. He has even made me my own personal sword. Yes, it has gotten to the point where I can speak to my protectors and I have fought off a lot of fears. It took me quite a bit to not be so afraid, so if you have the same issue just know that if I overcame these fears you can too.

As I have said in previous blogs, as an Empath that is only the first step to our abilities. If you have not had the opportunity to read my past blogs, I encourage that you read the firs two in this series entitled, Empath and Grounding and Centering Methods for Empaths. The prior posts will assist in clarifying any confusion.

Empaths have so much more to share with others, it is only a matter of accepting who we are and our life-path. We made an agreement before coming to this realm and it is about remembering that promise we made prior to being born in the flesh and living this life. Once we have connected all the dots, it is only a matter of time before we are approached by above to fulfill that promise.

The beauty of protection, is all we have to do is ask for help. We will always be given help in all we do, just ask those above whomever that may be. It may be whom I call Pops, it can be Angels, it can be Old time Warriors, it can be our Great Teachers like Buddha or Kuan Yin. All Light Beings have their purpose and they are all very eager to help us along the way.

Protection Method 3 - Wearing Amulets And Talismans

One practice that I take very seriously is that I wear an Amulet or Talisman or both at the same time. I do have my Native American pouch too, that I will pick up when I feel the need for added protection. Mostly when I give energy work or when I am around fellow tribal people do I wear my pouch. There are different occasions for many types of amulets and talismans.

I could do an entire blog on what types of amulets and talismans that are in existence. The key point here is that you must be attracted to what you wear and you must be the one to know that it is for your protection. I own a Bagua, Labrador Stone, and I recently acquired some things from Thailand made by monks. For me, I try to find things that are raw in texture and had not been touched by many human hands. I do not purchase objects that have holes in them or have been manipulated much, mostly shaped straight from the ground and encased in brass or silver.

I learned from a Master that it is best to buy a necklace of a god or goddess that is not of one’s lineage. For example, I would personally buy a medal or image of someone outside of the Native American culture like Ganesh. I have worked with Ganesh and I have much love for this great protector. I also carry Chinese protection symbols with me every day that was made for me by a Master.

There are so many more forms of protection, but these are the basic and most important forms that I have found work immediately. I also keep a Sage spray on me at all times, just in case I have to clear my space. I have used the golden bubble method and others meditative methods, but the ones I have mentioned are the ones that are stronger and the unfriendlies tend to scamper off right away.

Let me end with this, I have had the unfriendlies come right behind me inside my car, or attach themselves to me in the oddest locations and occasions. They love the element of surprise and if you are open to telepathy they do speak, you just have to listen. Remember that the most effective thing is to say to them go away or leave my space or get out! Tell them that you know who they are and you do not appreciate them in your space. Period. They will leave immediately.

I know this can be daunting for many to digest, sometimes I do not believe I have experienced these things myself. I am very hesitant to share my experiences, but I do because honestly it is part of my life-path and my job. I am very traditional and conservative in nature so for me to go out on a limb to even write my story takes a lot.

If you have anything positive to share, I am very happy to hear your story. Please feel free to share your experiences with me or ask questions. I am open to the discussion, especially to newly realized or inexperienced Empaths. Peace.

All photographs are the property of @eaglespirit, do not copy without the permission of owner.


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