The Sea of Divided Souls (The Tenth Chapter; Part II)

If a divine right to rule came from anywhere, where would that be? Most people would point to the heavens, the stars, and one of the most important concepts we’ll ever decode is the Zodiac. The word ‘zodiac’ can be arranged in several ways, one of which is ‘zo-di-ac.’  The word ‘zo’ is a variant of ‘zoo,’ indicating a limited artificial construct or habitat for animals, bad souls (anima + mal), for the viewing pleasure of beings with higher consciousness. 

Di’ means “twofold, twice,” and it corresponds to words like ‘dia,’ ‘dea,’ ‘dios,’ ‘deuce,’ ‘dice,’ and ‘divide.’ It indicates duality, or polarity, not singularity. 

The suffix ‘-ac’ means “pertaining to.” So quite literally, the word ‘Zodiac’ (zo-di-ac) means “pertaining to a dualistic zoo.” But you and I have never drunk shallow draughts of the Pierian spring, so let us drink deep and look at the Green Language of ‘c,’ as in ‘Zo-dia-c,’ which is phonetically ‘see,’ or ‘sea.’ 

I have provided sufficient evidence that we are water products, and that every system known to man is based on water in some way or another, so it’s no stretch of the imagination to behold that another meaning for ‘Zodiac’ is a “Sea of Divided Souls,” which we have already established as demons because the very word ‘de-mon’ means “degraded one, divided one,” because they have been cut off from their sovereign creative power by desires. 

But demons are also “deities of the Moon.” And to go one step deeper, the dualistic deities of the moon are crucified on their own crosses of matter, their ‘cadus,’ their vessel, which enables those watching us to “See Divided Souls,” the other meaning of ‘Zodiac.’ 

They say that we are born in Moon (Sin) and that we die in Moon (Sin), so does that mean we are all demons? Perhaps that is why we are considered ‘lost at sea’ by the Holy See. When looking at previous words that correspond to ‘di,’ we find that ‘dea’ is a prefix that means “good” in Irish, which comes from ‘deg-’ or ‘dag’ in Old Irish, meaning “good, well,” but also “goddess” in Latin and Italian. 

Interestingly enough, the word ‘God,’ is just ‘good’ without an ‘o.’ If we look at ‘Dagon,’ who is El, Saturn, father of Ba’al, we see the combination of ‘dag’ + ‘on.’ Building off of our foundation from previous chapters, we see that ‘Dagon’ can mean “Good Sun,” or "Good Son," which ties him right into the XX seal of Saturn, and its Chrestian roots of meaning “Good-fellow.” 

Is Dagon, Saturn, Father Time, the Angel of Death that becomes the Angel of Life, the Sun, the original “Good-fellow,” or should I say, “Goodfella?” What does Dagon wear on his crown? The head of a fish. Why? Because he comes from the deep, the abyss, just like his son, the Sun: Ba’al. Just like the Abaddon, who is called Apollyon in the Greek tongue, who is also the Sun. Just like Jesus, the Lord Fish, who comes from the Pure Sea: Virgin Mary (Mare), because the Sun rises and sets out of the sea, and those with an ocean view of this occurrence witness the Son of God walk on water. 

Dios’ means “God” in Spanish, which is phonetically similar to ‘deus,’ the Latin word for “God.” Further connected to ‘di’ is another word for “two” known as ‘deuce,’ which is especially used in card games that involve gambling. 

Another gambling device is the ‘die,’ which usually are cast in pairs of at least “two,” so we call them ‘dice.’ Do we die because we failed to get out of duality during the time we gambled with the ‘dice’ in this Wheel of Fortune known as the Zodiac? 

Jupiter, Jove, is the giver of all good things, hence he corresponds to Fortune, however, Jupiter Ammon is also the Sun. Or perhaps we reach singularity when we die, because ‘die’ is the singular version of ‘dice.’ There is a saying that we come into this world alone and we die alone. 

A ‘die’ is also “an engraved stamp for impressing a design upon some softer material, as in coining money.” Is our soul the die that the Moon uses to impress Dagon’s design upon our flesh vessel, to coin her moon-honey, her money? Or is the Zodiac the die that impresses our soul with its design, as astrology indicates? 

To see’ the Truth, our eye must be perfect, single, initiated, so our body may be full of light. However, ‘to see’ is phonetically ‘two see,’ which is also ‘divide,’ ‘di’ meaning “two” and ‘vide’ meaning “see.” It indicates double vision, because to divide is also “to split,” or “to part the seas,” hence the other phonetic arrangement of ‘two sea.’ 

The Zodiac is divided into two seas, life and death. Life is from Aries to Virgo, and then Judgment Day occurs at the beginning of Libra where Father Time (Death, Saturn) is exalted, on September 23, and lures the Spirit into the illusory world of Matter, which is Winter, where the soul reaches its state of crystallization, also known as death. 

From December 25, the soul takes its accumulated energy and begins its journey toward life again till it reaches the final state of completion, Pisces, and then it is born again into the next cycle of evolution or involution. The beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning. 

This is Dagon’s construct, and in order to escape the rule of Time, Chronos, Saturn, we must transcend it through our behavior, for even though this is a mental universe of vibration and energy, it is ultimately our actions that program this reality. 

To be continued... 

The above was an excerpt from my latest novel, which is not available yet. If you'd like to delve into my fantasy series, they are available at most online stores. However, there is no magick like that of the spoken word. If you'd like to get the audiobook for free during a trial with Audible, visit here to give the sample a listen:

Book 3 will be invoked in 2017

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