Bring substance abuse to an end, World wide!


If you or someone you know has a substance abuse problem, take a few minutes and listen to this song, I mean REALLY listen to it, then start a dialogue with your family to get help. Don't let substance abuse steal another life.

I heard this song for the first time today and let me tell you, it has a powerful message. I really feel like that the pain and emotion behind this song can alter people's lives....if they let it.


This song is by a rapper who goes by the name NF. He is from my home state of Michigan. I actually saw him in concert in 2013 when he opened for the bands Ashes Remain and Kutless.


It's time for substance abuse to come to an end. Please resteem this post to share the message of this song and open the doors for family's to talk about this problem and hopefully prevent a tragedy.

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