Patience is a virtue

There are things we do in life that we need to check ourselves because what we do today will speak for our tomorrow be it good or bad so we don't need to over do things and we should always hold on to that hope of better tomorrow

Allow me some time to share this story with you.

Bellow is the CV of Cyril Ramaphosa, the present after Zuma, President of South Africa.

  1. He is the Chairman, MTN group
  2. Owner, MacDonald's SA.
  3. Chief negotiator of Nelson Mandela's presidency
  4. Mandela "preferred" successor
  5. Involved in the resolution of the insurgency in northern Ireland.
  6. One of SA Richest men
  7. Has 31 houses.
  8. Lives in a R30m mansion.
  9. Has over 100 cattle

If you use or have used MTN, you have contributed to his wealth!Cyril Ramaphosa. Whatever will be will be. He was supposed to be Mandela's deputy and take over as President having led on the ground mass movement of the National Union of Miners and the United Democratic Front , being by the side of Mandela at the negotiating table. He was unfortunately edged out by ANC Godfathers. He didn't have a Godfather. He was not the son of Govan Mbeki, Mandela's contemporary in the South African struggle. The ANC Godfathers preferred the son of Govan Mbeki, Thambo Mbeki to be Deputy President, a good man and qualified man in his own right. Cyril, frustrated left the ANC and active politics and went to business and became very successful. Years later, he returned in measured steps to active politics after Thambo Mbeki, the man that edged him out has himself been pushed out of power by his own Deputy, Jacob Zuma. Today, the decay of the ANC under Zuma has brought Rampahosa to the Presidency that he mostly deserved about 15 years ago but for which he was edged out.
Life lessons: Ota o le pa kadara da, won kan le fa owo ago s'ehin ni. It means, what ever is ordained to be , will eventually be.

  1. Have a mentality of abundance in the words of Steve Covey. Pursue other lofty and fulfilling dreams if current one seem unattainable.
  2. Ramaphosa is becoming President at a time the LORD ordained for him. He is better today, more exposed , more matured and would do better than if he was President twelve years ago. He is a union leader who transited to become a business leader. He knows the unions, the working class and also knows the interest of business. He would be able to build a social compact of private and public sector needed to build a more inclusive South Africa, uniting the nation under one rainbow umbrella as Mandela did.
    Best wishes to President Cyril Ramapahosa, the 4th President of the Republic of South.

Patience help us to accomplish a lot in life.

I want to encourage you this day to hold on to your dreams. If you're not what or where you desire to be yet, DON'T GIVE UP! It may not be the best time yet but surely you will emerge soon by God's grace. God is packaging you to be fit for the miracle, better off and bigger than your own plans.

Stay encouraged! God bless you richly.

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