some inflection

watching wrestling
hulk hogan and shit
shit i dont remember. 2020 i was 40 ( close enough )
so their prime was likely before mine
yetr im watching
and it reminded me of some quote
why do those
with (missing word - will find if i remember to search the quopte after 'out of brain to keystrokes'-ing

alas i digress, lose original thoughtset

why do those with, go and watch stuff they have already seen
its the 'familiarity' of it. that something unexpected will not occur.

my brain had a thing the other day, where weather + 2 songs back to back,
shit. unintentional yell, but poignant ( googles word tro be sure fits ) XD

oh snap.. yes, that exactly poignant /ˈpɔɪnjənt/ adjective evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret. "a poignant reminder of the passing of time"

drops the fkn mic

so, the reason for the wrestling, from, like, when i was 10 or so - is i DO recall happy memory from there
so to constantly seek 'that era' inputs

math on that
back then, there were 5? tv CHANNELS
but still n+1/year 'new publications'
that number for the year doesnt change after the year
but the count of titles is still pheno,menal
now with tikker, u can produce 24h/7b - per day of 'viewing'
and that may be why we are so 'disconnected'

anyways, 5 minute ramble
comment or some shit, and ill post more regularly
gib audience, reseave brain
i live in here. catch some chuckles, gib some tips
25k ppl, 500+ coins supported ( pizza, hive, hbd, steem, sbd ) to name some relevant ones

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