How to become unconsciously compentent in 2 steps


Step 1:

Doing something over and over will get you to being unconsciously compentent . You have internalized whatever characteristic you are practicing. This also creates neuro pathways in the brain. Which broken down are cells that connect and grow in size. This sends energy throughout the brain.

Step 2:

Associate with people that have what you want and observe their behavior. See how they utilize the information you are learning. Working with pros in anything will propel you faster than anything else. Both these methods create these pathways that will make anything become second hand nature.

The very last thing to consider is this must be practiced daily. Do not just try it out a few times and put it on the shelf. Implement these steps and watch yourself become unconsciously competent.

Ps this info is passed along from societies that have kept this information amongst themselves. Spread it and help others grow! Much love as always! !

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