The dumbest, stupidest thing I have ever managed to do


Can there be any worse symbolism than flushing your wedding ring down the toilet?


So, in a life punctuated only occasionally by episodes of great stupidity, this is the very highlight.

Or rather, the lowlight.

Or rather, it is easily the dumbest, stupidest thing I have ever managed to do.

And with the benefit of hindsight, I can see that my belief at the time that flushing my wedding ring down the toilet was the flawed outcome of an act of love and generosity - was just as dumb and was never going to fly.

How could it?

How could I have been naive enough to believe (well, maybe hope) it would ever be okay?


So I was cleaning the bathroom.

So I was doing it unasked.

So, yeah, cleaning the house.

Big deal.

But why didn't I just remove my wedding ring? It was always a little loose. It sometimes slipped off if things got slippery.

So I manage to loose it in the toilet. And then flush the toilet. And only realise then that I had done so.

Of course I stuck my hand down the loo. Yep a real hero.


Let this be a warning, guys.

Of course my wife and I bought a new one.

But it's a new one.

I look at the wedding photos: the beach, the frangipanis, my beautiful wife.

And I look at my wedding ring and it's not the same one.


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