Have You Been Called Paranoid (For Knowing The Truth About The World)?


Every time I talk about the monetary system (FED), bio, geo, or social engineering, causes of wars... I am called paranoid. Mostly because that the conclusion on this topic is - enslavement of man kind, and power gaining by the "elite".

I know I should carefully chose my company, but we must spreading the word about the things that are happening in the World, and the real reasons behind them. Those people who don't want to acknowledge the truth I consider naive, and they consider me paranoid, and even a conspiracy theorist. So let's learn more about naivety and paranoia so that we don't fall into those traps.


Naivety is a belief that all people are good and good-natured. That's why the naive person ignores those signals that can show that the other person is just pretending to be friendly as he hides his true intentions. Suspicion is the feeling that people start to feel after evaluating that something doesn't fit in the way others represent themselves. When directed properly, suspicion can be a very useful feeling.

But, feelings of suspicion can be excessive, constant, and therefore unreasonable. A person who believes that certain people, or groups, are hostile to her, will perceive society as a hostile place. That is why he or she will be tense in social contacts, always cautious and suspicious. The good-natured or neutral behavior of others will distort in accordance with their expectations and find "evidence" of their bad intentions. The attitude towards others of such an overly suspicious person is paranoid.

When a person develops a story in which he firmly believes, and which is incredible to others, according to which he or she is an innocent victim of another person, group or organization that is pursuing to destroy or completely discredit them, then a paranoid idea system arises. Sometimes this story is very strange, bizarre, so it's clear to everyone who is listening that this is a very distorted perception of reality - psychoses. Unlike a bizarre paranoid story, there is a paranoid story that is logical, which includes facts, which on others seems very convincing and seductive even.

Although it is considered pathology, paranoia functions as a feature of the defense mechanism, and is somewhat useful. But its distortion, is often the result of a strong internal conflict between a part of a person who has a hostile attitude towards another part of the personality. The other part of the personality was difficult time fighting against self-indulgence and self-inflicting from the enemy side. That is why a person projects his own enemy part on other people, after which he tries to deal with these people, either by fearing and withdrawing from them within, or by angrily attacking then in accordance with logic of persecuting the persecutor. In this way, they transforms theirs inner psychodynamics into a interpersonal relationship.

A person is defending from the feeling of lower value, and that can be indicated from a common element of all paranoid stories in which there is a great social importance that an individual indirectly attaches to himself. The bigger and more powerful the persecutor, for example: an international organization or the secret society of a powerful foreign country, the more it would reflect on the "victims" significance. Her paranoid story serves to preserve hers self-esteem.


Precisely because of the described defense function, a paranoid person is resistant to disillusion. So the question is where is the line between knowing the facts and creating a story around them, or just being paranoid? I like my conspiracy theories. First and foremost because they intrigue my brain. I like to indulge my brain with those as taught experiments, that expands my critical thinking. Secondly most of them are true - global warming is a hoax, chemtrails are real (even NASA admit it), monetary system enslaves people by creating endless debt... and I like to be informed. But there are other theories that I can't even... For example Flat Earth, projecting a hologram reality upon us from Saturn (Satan), Reptilian shapeshifters...

But for all that's said, we have to ask ourselves sometimes when self-reflecting - am I being delusional? I think that the line should be between fact and speculations, and if you don't speculate you can't be called paranoid. For example yeah NASA lied, and there are evidence for it, but don't speculate that's because the Earth is flat.

So next time, when you feel like they are "on to you" or "trying to get you", ask your self: Who are "they" and why would "they" want to get me? Or am I just being paranoid?

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