I was BLAMED and Flagged by the WHALES

Dear Steamians,

On the 23rd day of the 7th month of the year, a day in which will live in infamy. Dreamants was unwarrantly attacked and savaged by the empire and coalition of whales. My post “The US Marines at Chosin Reservoir”, was target at night, while the citizens of Dreamants and most of the world slept. Accusatory statements and post flagging bombarded our vessels.

I am sad to inform you that there were heavy casualties, and many Ant lives have been lost. The surprise attack has shattered the Dreams of the many , and goes to show that this world (Steemit) is still plagued with faults. However, citizens of Dreamants and all those who visit. Dreamants was at peace with those whales, and at the solicitation of the Whales was not in conversation looking toward the facilitation of cooperation.

As Commander and Author of Dreamants and Stockants, I have initiated and instigated that all measures be taken for the defense of our fair use to use our intellectual property! But always for us Dreamers to remember the character bestowed on us by the whales of Steemit. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated incursion, the people of Dreamants militia in their unforgiving might will win in its march to absolute victory.

I believe that I interpret the will of all Steemians when I assure to you that we will not only defend ourselves to the foremost but will make it very certain that this form of treachery shall never again endanger us. With confidence in our abilities and Ant armies, with the unbounding commitment of our people, we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us Steemit God


All Dreamers, and Luis Lizama.

P.S Cause apparently I need to put my name on everything now.

Okay so on a serious note all jokes aside! Have you people never heard of due process or innocent until proven guilty? Do you know why the founding fathers of the USA implemented that? So innocent people wouldn't be thrown to the lions or hung by their necks while they were actually innocent! And guess what happened here?


So they are saying that I am plagiarizing? My own work? Did they have any proof before they stripped me of 500$? NOOOO not at all. They just accused me without a warning, trial, or due process. It's just like a cop accusing a pedestrian for killing another man in another country then shooting him dead because he THINKS he is right and is correct to just ASSUME!
Well here is my proof that I am the author of the account that they accused me of stealing from...

Oh, and yes I am Luis Lizama before anyone wants to accuse me of impersonating..


Dreamants and Steemians please lobby and message these individuals to retract their statements, to remove me off of any blacklist, and to send me an apology for the blasphemy that occurred on the fateful deprived night last night! You guys are nothing but bullies.

However, there are dreamers out there who continue to inspire me! No matter the situation we will prevail and we will all become whales!


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