Sexual orientation

Good evening my fellow steemians, today's post is a little different than my most blogs.
Sexual orientation has become a taboo in our country-Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, people try to stay as far away as possible from these words.
Should a person's sexual orientation affect how we see him/her? How does his sexual preference make him/her different from others?
A person who works efficiently, is very particular, punctual, hardworking, knowledgeable and experienced is not seen as efficient because of his sexual preference.
Does his sexual preference give us a right to judge him? A right to make fun of him?
And as far as I know, It is currently illegal in our country to indulge in such practices.
But who we fall in love with isn't in our hands, it's our brain which decided if we will be attracted to a male or a female.
But my question here is why a person's sexual orientation has to be so important at work? what he does at his home behind closed doors should be none of our concerns.
Who are we to decide what is right and what is wrong? Who are we to decide who should date whom?
Think about it guys, broaden your horizons. Life is too short for all these things. Just let the people be with who they want to be with without judgement.

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