The unsolved Mystery-The knife of Tutankhamun

The history of Egyptian civilization always attracts me with their rich culture to their evolution in science.Their Mummy and Pyramids are still mystery.But today I will be talking about a different topic which is also a astoshing fact and can't be answerd till now.

In the year 1925 Archaeologist Havard curter discovered the grave of Tutankhamun.That was one of the biggest archeological success of the 20th century.

In the main room in which the Mummy of Tutankhamen was kept they found a tons of expensive ornaments but among them there was a knife of Iron.You must be thinking what so special in finding a Iron knife?But this fact is really astonishing.

Because Tutan khamun died in the year 1323Bc approximately.According to our calculation this time was purely bronze era in that time it was not possible for humans to make a full knife with pure Iron.Yes in those time there is also some use of iron but it was used as a expensive metal and it's purity can achieve at most 2-3% but the knife was made by 11.7% pure iron.

The fun fact is that in old books of egypt iron is described as the metal of heaven and God made this metal.

This Millennium old mystery remains still unsolved.Noone can give the answer how ancient Egyptians made that knife.


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