Christmas Spirits, Served with Shaved Ham.. I Mean Face!

Did someone say Christmas Party?

So it's that time of year again where we get our festive on. No, I'm not here to ramble your ear on the reasons why we celebrate, but here to let you know how we do it!

The annual Bounce gathering has been one for the ages. We're coming to our 3rd round of events, and is it set to be big. Full venue hire, flowing drinks and a tonne of banter.

Boy, am I keen!

I have been a bit busy (mainly lazy) and have left the wrath of the hairs, gather along my face.

My girlfriend thinks I'm starting to look like 'Santa's son' ...


I decided to get a cheeky cut and shave before tomorrows fiesta.

Not sure how I feel about it anymore...

What are your thoughts?!


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