How to read more books in 2018. How to read more often

We all know that reading is very important. But we don't use this common sense - most people read 0 - 15 books. 1/4 people No read at all.

GIF source (0rgasm from reading!?)

  • I've read last year 94 books.
  • 70 of them between September and the end of December.
  • Those words out of experience.

How I did this?

Audiobooks, small audiobooks is the key.

  • Choose small books (2 - 4 hr long).
  • Spend 90 hr and you will get around 30 books in your list.

Pluses of this method

  • You can find new authors.

I've found something better than Tolstoy - Andreev.

I'ts a big gap in education, that in russian schools teachers taught students Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Puskin without Andreev. He is not like those. He is more modern. He found himself in experiance writing - whe a book shows emotions, thoughts and feelings of a protagonist.

  • Some small books are better than big novels

I've foung Philip K. Dick's books formula very compelling - one cool idea = new book. I am recommending you start from this author.

As we are saying "brevity is the soul of wit", then why do we think that small books are less valuable? It's up to writer to choose how many words to use.

GIF source (I love adventure time)

Speed reading

I am not a speed reader, but I have their theoretical knowledge base
I've heard that average book page have only 4 - 15% of useful information.

#Speedreading secrets for starting point:

I am not exactly sure that it works.

  • Choose book and try speed reading. Track results.

Mesure how many words average string contains(choose 8 string and find average). This trick do with how many strings have average page.

My result were 8 words and 43 strings = 344 words.
Then read 10 -15 pages with stopwatch.
Practice, practice and ... mesure results.
In a month I went from 300 words to 380.

  • You need to jump from side to side of a book.
  • Stop reading as always - scanning mode.

Smart people use this method, when they need a knowledge, they look for something in a book. Your brain will find something to remember.

It's great method for books which have theme that you are familiar.

For example:

you are a physicist, and you want to read a book on this subject. You know that this book have new knowledge about atom, you read this chapter, but this chapter have old info = you scanning this, and start reading slow when you see something hard to understand or new info.


Read great literature. Books which people are keep reading and reading. Books that you would read twice. Books which have meaning, and deep - when you in second reading find something new. For me it's The Bible.

I recommend to you read textbooks = more % of usefull info.

I would read second time: 1998, The Kybalion, Siddhartha, book about social psychology, metals and Gogol's books.

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