A $20 Experience

With $20 today you can purchase 1 oz of Silver and 1 Steem token. Hide them away and wait. a1drjohnthumb.JPG

The value of this experience is in your value of the two coins. My guess of which you will be tempted to sell first is unimportant.

What is important is which will realize a 10 X gain quicker. Will Steem hit $30 before Silver hits $170?

Unfortunately the answer lies in other people’s perception of value. We have little control over what other people think.

For $20, you can experiment for yourself (or for your baby girl). This is less than the price of a meal out.

My newest granddaughter should be born soon. I wish all my children would experience this for someone they love.

Note: The reason I hold Silver is the natural reluctance I have to sell it. Once you hold it in your hand you will feel the value. Although I own both, I have a higher ‘value appreciation’ for Silver.

Here is today’s beauty.


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