All Beginning From “Bungong Jaroe”

A few months ago, I was with some friends ( @nurul.fahmi, @rindi118, @islamil.arafah, @nyakpo, @qimo and @muliadilibra), took the initiative to establish a small group we called "Bungong Jaroe" with the abbreviation "BJ ". The name of "Bungong Jaroe" is taken from the street address of our home in Meulaboh, West Aceh.

Once formed, we begin to make some plan that can keep this group active. All of that we are compiled in four main programs “Bungong Jaroe Community.”


First, Establish Online Media

This media aims to make room for the younger generation of Aceh, especially those in South West Aceh, to dare to express themselves to the outside world through their work. Both through writing in the form of news, poetry, articles and photos relating to the conditions in the environment where they live. This online media we named as "".


The presence of is expected to become an alternative media for the news for the people of Aceh and the world. is not the first media we founded.

With our youthful spirit and soul, we have also developed several internal print media institutions in Aceh Barat. Such as “Bulletin Lentera”, “Tabloid Cakrawala”, “Bulletin Jeungki”, and “Bulletin Al-Maslahah”. All we do without expecting rewards.




In addition to print media, we also help manage and establish online media (,, and



Especially for, media designed as a place to sell local products, successfully won UTU Award 2016 online store category. @nurul.fahmi became a representative who received a direct award from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia (Kemenristekdikti RI), at the awards night.



Second, Open Creative Writing Class

This is not a formal class. Everyone can join, but for the early stages we specifically recruit only a few people who we think really have the will to learn. This class aims to prepare the young seeds are superior in the field of writing. So that they can also take part in managing This class we named “BJ Creative School.”


We share this class in two parts, news writing and literature. The news writing class participants are four student and the literature writing class participants are three student. Although our learning method has been conceptualized in as interesting and interactive way as possible, even given the freedom to the participants to determine their own class schedule, but this class is not yet fully successful (I do not want to say failed).

The seven participants of these two classes, only two people showed progress in the writing skill. Both are from the news writing class. The Others, decide to quit after four meetings (three months of meets need to follow). Some others are not able to find talent in this skill.

Third, Opening Classroom Photography and Videography

Although officially not running yet, the class of photography and videography preparation has been completed. Because, members have been prepared and involved well in film-making training and projects. This class is planned to actively receive members from early September 2017.



Fourth, Open the Design Class

Just like photography and videography, the design class has not yet been run to receive members in particular. This class is aimed at creative media design training, which can be used by each participant to open new job in the field of entrepreneurship.


Although this class has not officially recruited members, it has been the most active and productive group in generating exceptional works to the public. Some of the media wich mentioned above are the product of this class activity by the great young people I mentioned at the beginning.


During this time, the design activities of “Bungong Jaroe Community” are directed by @qimo. His science and design experience, are continuously distributed to all members of the community, including me.


The “Bungong Jaroe Community”, with all limitations, continues to strive and try to give different colors to society. All the training programs that have been designed, specifically for the young generation of West Aceh who share the same vision with us. Everything we provide for FREE. The passion for learning and the willingness to move forward are the main thing for us.


The Community-driven presence of a large group of young people with this vision of independence is expected to provide some meaningful change for the youth generation of Aceh, especially those in Meulaboh, West Aceh.


This community activity is very flexible. When we are saturated with routine, we usually find ways to eliminate boredom by playing games (PES), eating, drinking some coffe and than walking together. ***



Written by: @djunmul

Edited by: @nyakpo and @qimo

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